Welcome to my Guestbook!I would like to thank everyone in advance for signing my guestbook!!I hope you all have fun on my site..Remember to bookmark my page since I add stuff to it everyday...Come Back Soon!!!!

05/10/00 01:50:59
Name: jesse chaney My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: perryville, ar
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: looking for games

any hot girls with or without pics e-mail me if u got pics send them to me please. my a/s/l is 14 m ar

01/06/00 00:06:36
Name: brandi My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: st.louis,mo
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: browsing around trying to put music on my web page.

i really like your site it's cool \(o.o)/ im a beginer & really have no clue??? thanks for being here for all to view.

12/29/99 00:48:33
Name: Dee
My URL: Visit Me

Great website Dawn thanks for all the links to get free stuff

08/25/99 23:13:47
Name: Clifton Robinson Sr. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: Winfall NC
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: Search

Hi I tried to email you but your addy didn't work. I have a Webtv games site The Dog House Games 4 Webtv. The URL is http://members.tripod.com/~robdog4/index.html. Take a look at it because you might want to add it to your games page. If you have a banner or logo that I can use I will be more than happy to add a link from my site to yours. Check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks Clifton Robinson

08/25/99 23:12:52
Name: Clifton Robinson Sr. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: Winfall NC
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: Search

Hi I tried to email you but your addy didn't work. I have a Webtv games site The Dog House Games 4 Webtv. The URL is http://mmbrs.tripod.com/~robdog4/index.html. Take a look at it because you might want to add it to your games page. If you have a banner or l go that I can use I will be more than happy to add a link from my site to yours. Check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks Clifton Robinson

Donate Free Food - 08/25/99 23:01:16
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/20/99 22:54:18
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Brazilian ring - 08/17/99 15:42:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@oocities.com


Brazilian's Ring Join AllAdvantage.com

08/06/99 17:23:14
Name: Ken My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: Las Vegas
are you using webtv or pc: WEBTV how did you find my site: I forgot. I found it long ago. Even before I made a game page of my own!!! I guess I found it again today by my favorites section.

COOL SITE!!! ALWAYS BEEN ONE OF MY FAVORITES!!! http://members.tripod.com/dopplgangr/

08/05/99 23:50:30
Name: Corinne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: Ca.
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: by a friend

Hello, Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your game links. One question tho.. well, maybe two.. With the game of Yahtzee, I cannot pull it up any longer.. says I need to mark game page..I go to the game and put in my nic risesun, and then it says error etc. It use to work before so I don't know what happended or what I am doing wrong.. Also, last question is, on Yahtzee, how do you get a straight, (small or large) I know what they are but when I get one, I go to mark it and it says 0... Am I doing something wrong there too? Any help you may give me will be gre tly appreciated.. Thanks for sharing your links, Corinne

07/27/99 20:13:12
Name: Desiree My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: Minnesota
are you using webtv or pc: Webtv how did you find my site: From a Friend

Nice page very good for kids

07/23/99 23:33:45
Name: Andy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: here
are you using webtv or pc: webtv


07/23/99 23:30:37
Name: Andy Houssell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: FLA where men r men and sheep r nerveos
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: dave


07/23/99 21:06:02
Name: Peggy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: Minnesota
are you using webtv or pc: web tv how did you find my site: From a friend

You have a really great page. There's something for everyone here.

07/16/99 15:49:07
Name: Me My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: My MOM
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: well I cant Tell u

need2 c more naked chics

04/25/99 15:34:40
Name: Jessica My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: Chester P.A
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: Dawn music search

I like this page is fun to listen to.

04/20/99 03:46:03
Name: joe mama My URL: Visit Me
where are you from: jamaica are you using webtv or pc: pc
how did you find my site: geocities dummy

ur web page sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04/19/99 18:54:53
Name: Matt My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: NH
are you using webtv or pc: WebTV how did you find my site: Webtv Search

I like your page come to mine and sign the guestbook

03/22/99 11:01:39
Name: denton harvey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: christoval, texas
are you using webtv or pc: pc how did you find my site: xploring

so far so good. let me look around a bit...thanks

03/16/99 07:37:07
Name: ida mcknight My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: south carolina
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: just browsing

i would like to know where to find free music for my webtv e-mail. i would like to add music with words to my e-mail and i cant find any. im not use to this webtv.

02/14/99 20:41:10
Name: cheryl My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: NY
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: search

I love your site . Please continue your great work . Ther are some of us that really appreciate it. I hope to get m daughtr interested in checkig this out. She's 13 and quite a handful, but I think this site is one we can enjoy together. THANKS

02/13/99 23:05:03
Name: Cheryl My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: NY
are you using webtv or pc: web tv how did you find my site: exploring the web

I love your website . Being a web tv user I have had problems finding sites that I can use and interact with. Please continue your endeavors to help us out. Thanks so much!!!

01/31/99 06:54:41
Name: C . HARRIS My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: where do you want me from
are you using webtv or pc: aye how did you find my site: surprise surprise

if you didnt notice before a am totally nuts but i love people call if you need me always your friend blue

01/30/99 08:23:38
Name: mobydick24 My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: texas
are you using webtv or pc: web tv how did you find my site: alta vista search

this is the greatest thing ive found since i got web tv. i had such a hard time finding things for web tv. especially games but now though this page ive found more games than ill ever get to play.browsing for webtv is so frustrating. im so pleased thank y u.

01/30/99 01:39:00
Name: Tboob My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: NY
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: friend sent it

Kewl list of links....:-)

01/26/99 00:45:02
Name: angie berry My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: lincoln
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: my sister

i have not gone through every thing but it seems cool my sister e-mailed this so i am checking it out

01/26/99 00:11:38
Name: angie berry My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: lincoln
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: my sister

i have not gone through every thing but it seems cool my sister e-mailed this so i am checking it out

01/25/99 04:28:59
Name: Thom My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: Hawaii
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: friend

nice page, had fun in the games, and forwarded to friends

01/20/99 04:49:03
Name: Dear B My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: USA
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: newsgroup

Dawn, you've got the beginnings of a great homepage. I've enjoyed my visit. Thanks for sharing.

01/20/99 02:24:52
Name: Mary My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: Pennsylvania
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: newsgroup

Thanks, loads of fun. Take care.

01/15/99 02:47:03
Name: Kristin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: NJ
are you using webtv or pc: PC how did you find my site: Jim

Very nice Dawn.....I especially liked your $ background on your free stuff page....but did the music have to be Drool????....lol j/k...

01/15/99 00:50:51
Name: Jim My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: NJ
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: word of mouth

Great site Dawn, I think it came out awesome. I am going to go check out your games page now. Bye

01/14/99 09:34:10
Name: Walter Petelka My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
are you using webtv or pc: No how did you find my site: Newsgroups

Like the site design.....simple but eye catching and quick to load. Found Free Sites and Kid's Games very interesting. Good Luck

01/14/99 02:37:21
Name: Richard Galloway My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: Arizone
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: news group

Real nice page. I get the idea that everything is FREE STUFF. Check out my page if you would like to take a trip thru the USA. I even furnish the bus. Sign my Guestbook

01/13/99 04:21:18
Name: Dave My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me where are you from: NJ
are you using webtv or pc: webtv how did you find my site: I live with you

your site is very cool..and I'm not just saying that because I'm your boyfriend...

01/13/99 04:17:00
My URL: Visit Me


soulstripper - 01/13/99 03:55:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/Powerage/index.html
My Email:soulstripper@webtv.net

Nice page. Keep up the good work.

Captain Morgan - 01/12/99 23:41:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~captinmorgn/web-home.html
My Email:captinmorgn@webtv.net

hi, enjoyed your page. games and freebies were cool, so was music. well, it was all good. keep up the good work!

Ann - 01/12/99 22:31:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~mzkitten/
My Email:justann2webtv.net

Very nice page. I enjoyed your games - especially Yahtze. :-) Keep up the good work.

sheekaye - 01/12/99 19:22:53

Wonderful work.My grandson & I really enjoyed it. Good job! thank you for making it sheekaye

Christie - 01/12/99 14:31:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/filafeen23/index2.html
My Email:filafeen@webtv.net

Your page looks great. I love the way you have given the readers the option of whether or not to surf with music. Very nice:)

George (gjz¿¿¿) - 01/12/99 06:10:58
My URL:http://member.wbs.net/homepages/g/j/z/gjz1/index.html
My Email:gjz@webtv.net

Hi I enjoyed my visit here you have fdone a real nice job

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