"Here There Be Vampires!"

In the desert town of Thomaswell evil stirs, and it's up to the posse to put an end to it. This adventure concerns a handful of twisted Vampires in this isolated town and rooting them out with the help of a dedicated Vampire Hunter, but the only problem is knowing exactly who the Vampires are and how to kill them once they've been found out

Story So Far, The background on what this adventure is all about - read this first

Major Players Meet the folks featuring in this tale - all the profiles and stats that you'll need are detailed here

The Adventure, This is where I let you know what the posse is in for in Thomaswell, the adventure itself and what will happen plus a breakdown of the town of Thomaswell, NM

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Towns

My Posse's Account. It may help you Marshals to read this before running the adventure, it's an account of how my Posse(s) got on in the adventure, problems I encountered and how to keep it going smoothly

Problems/questions/critisisms/suggestions? I'd like to know how your posse coped if you used this adventure, did they triumph? Were they wiped out? Did the adventure completely suck? Anything you particularly liked? Don't keep it all to yourself! Let me know!

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