
Alas, for some, the rigours of the Weird West proved too much, here we salute their deeds. At times heroic, on occasion pityful, but always memorable, the posse members gave it their best shot.

Sabre Khan

This ridiculously named Harrowed Gunslinger soon wiped the smile off the faces of anybody who dared mock his name. Unfortunately his own smile was literally wiped off his face by an irate Indian brave who also happened to be a werewolf! Khan had unwittingly killed the lupine's friends in a fit of lost dominion and then had to pay the price when the Indian caught up with him. No matter how good he was with a pistol he couldn't hope to win after he ran out of silver bullets, which he did. If it's any consolation to the gunslinger the Indian later died of his who's laughing now, Khan? Not you...hahaha!

Quicksilver Joe

Another Harrowed falls in the world of Deadlands. This time the end was more subtle as the sneaky Manitou inside this scarred Huckster took control for good and hotlegged it out of Dodge before his posse even knew what had happened and leaving them to tackle the sinister Cult of the Deep all by themselves. Which they did fine by themselves no thanks to Joe!

Reverend Jacob Jenkins

The good reverend knew his days as a Harrowed messenger of God were numbered but he went out with a bang. Well, a bullet to the head to be more precise. Whilst his fellow posse members were occupied fighting off the evil Laughing Men in their secret hideout he went to take on Chuckles Ryan himself only to be confronted my his gunslinging right-hand man. The reverend, not forgetting his vow of pacifism, tackled the no-gooder with his bare hands but a lucky shot ended his un-life as his head was blown clean off. Concrete proof that the good guys don't always win...

Jim "Bowie" Brogan

Played by Rikki Briddon

And at last one of the bravest adventurers in the Weird West falls...Jim "Bowie" Brogan, that one armed Harrowed champion against evil was caught short of fate chips and had his head smashed to a pulp by the viscious Horse Eater of the Black Hills, he tried in vain to bring it down as his companions lay sprawled around him in unconscious heaps but he just couldn't hit the damned beast with his salted shotgun rounds. How the Reckoners must be smiling now.....

Benkai Nigata

Played by Kevin Willetts

Perhaps it was inevitable, this Japanese/Indian crossbreed killed 2 Texas Rangers trying to save his Harrowed friend, but was himself captured and taken away. Fearing imprisonment and death he managed to escape to fetch some of his friends to "finish the job" but was later embarrasingly recaptured, and, in a bitter struggle in which it was obvious he was going to be killed, he took the only honourable option open to him and fell on his blade - his last dying request to the Texas Rangers was for him to be buried with his sword. The Rangers solemly agreed, knowing they had faced a rexpectable foe, and buried the fallen warrior with his father's Katana.
The next day they dug it up and sold it

Geoffrey Blond

Played by James Mason

This viscious Huckster recently joined the ranks of the dead after tangling with the Cult of the Deep's evil leader, Lawrence Hodgson - who had a very big shotgun. Not even his "Were-cat" companion could save him from the humiliation of losing a gunfight with someone twice his age.

Jim Wakefield

Played by Andy Jones

An English Huckster who made Poker into an art-form with his intimate knowledge of gambling odds and cardsharpery, alas his insight into taking risks didn't disuade him from jumping into a fast flowing river, after sustaining heavy wounds, in an effort to catch a rare treasure only to realise he couldn't swim a stroke. Fortunately he was dashed against a boulder before he had chance to drown, only to suffer irreversable brain damage and spending the rest of his life being spoon fed.

Edvard Ravinski

Played by Andy Jones

A Russian archaeologist who studied the ways of ancient Egyptian Gods but in the end his quirky Miracles couldn't save him from an exploding rocket pack which put shrapnel through his belly. But wait! Only three nights later did he rise from the grave only to come back as Harrowed. This did not last long, however, as the evil spirit stole dominion and ended up destroyed at the hands of British troops.

John Wayne

Played by Paul Willetts

Some say he deserved to die with such a silly name, others will remember him for the good man that he was. Alas his bounty hunting days came to a sticky end when he was cut in half by a certain "Raggedy Man".

Jake Pain

Played by Scott Chater

Did I not warn him? When a Texas Ranger turns against his own kind he can expect only retribution, and this is what happened to this "slightly unhinged" Harrowed character. Shot through the head, BLAM! Dead. Again. Deserved it too, the bastard...

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