House Rules

It's not that the rules for the game aren't good enough for me, far from it, but some Marshals like their games to run a bit differently to others so I thought I'd give you all a chance to see how my rules differ to those printed in the book, and you can check out some new rules too!

The Los Diablos Fate Chip. A new fate chip that can be added to the pot when a posse member kills that most tenacious of beasts, Los Diablos!

Fightin' Dirty A bar-brawlers must see! A few tricks and moves used by low-life street scum to put down the toughest of hombres in a "fair" fight

Jumpin' For the athletic cowpokes out there I've got some basic rules covering jumping distances. Not that I would want to encourage the posse to go leaping chasms and ravines but it does happen from time to time!

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