This is my project for the Basic HTML online classes hosted by the TPCUC (Topeka PC User's Club of Topeka, KS).

I had taught myself some basic HTML years ago while I was recovering from the flu and decided to take this class for a refresher - plus to see if there was anything I hadn't learned yet.

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5 - a variety of special characters
Lesson 6 - 'pre' tag
Lesson 7 - BLOCKQUOTEs and Line Breaks
Lessons 8 and 9 - an article on manga and anime terms.
Lesson 12 - pictures - a weird selection of pics.

Not part of the assignment - a special version of Lessons 8 and 9

Feel free to contact me via e-mail

Also, for those of the TPCUC who also took this course, I did learn some new stuff and added them to a different type of home page that I am constatly editing. The page in mention will most likely be revealed in February.