Ben's Big Page of Nothingness

    You damn well know what's going on.  I updated this thing.  Can you fucking believe it?  It's just amazing.  Honestly, not much has happened since I last changed this... but I did get a great new girlfriend.  Paige.  I love her so much.  I'm working on getting me some new pictures soon, so don't worry, you won't have to look at all the same old ones either.  I'm also going to fix the pictures too, since everyone's been complaining it.
Date: 3-23-04:
  Well, it's been over a year since I've done anything with this page.  It's kind of weird... looking at everything I used to used to write.  Man, I wish I had a new picture.  Hopefully I'll get a hold of Sandy and she can scan the new ones I have.  I'll probably have her scan a comic of mine too, and such.  I'll try to update this a little more... maybe put in a whole new section of fun... doubtful, but I may.
Stuff about me that you might want to look at but I doubt you will. My E-Mail Address is here too.
Name: Ben. It's my first name only though. I'm afraid of stalkers.
My New Pictures Page is up, click here to view it!
This is from last year... and it looks like crap... I have a better one, I'm just working on getting it.
I use AOL instant messenger, Yahoo instant messenger, and MSN.  My AOL name is: tiny7697 my Yahoo name is: tiny7_6_97.  And my MSN e-mail adress is
Archives to Past Weekly Views. 

My poems and songs page.
Random Extra space I have just sitting around that I might use at some point of time...

Heh... I'm dead... kind of. <_<
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