Wargaming - AD&D - Science - Miniatures

Authored and maintained by Scott Grasse

Featuring detailed battalion and division Tables of Organization of World War II, and modified Steel Panthers Orders of Battle (OB) Files

~ Last updated A.D I Augustus MCMLXCVIII ~

*** Here's to What's New ***

- The War Department - Games, utilities and accessories including the popular Tables of Organization and SG's OBs modified Orders of Battle Files for Steel Panthers I.
- Hall of Science
- Links to other related sites and resources.
- AD&D - Charts, tables, game aids and custom rules.
- Historical Miniatures - By George Grasse. Hand painted miniatures, new military books and references, painting supplies.
- Items for sale - Used military books and board games from The Attic of Historical Miniatures.
LITTERAE - E-Mail - Please send comments, suggestions, questions or site problems.

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plebs have traveled from afar to visit The Roman Forum since V A.D Iulius MCMLXCVII.

Military miniatures artwork provided by

George Grasse and Historical Miniatures.



was first posted June 24, 1997

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© Copyright 1997-2000 by Scott Grasse.