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The Main Page
Julie-Su's WebPage
This page is
Link to Julie-Su's profile As of 3/21/99 I will be no longer updating this page and abandon it.
Due to lack of interest and the fact of trying to get good grades in school.
This page was made as a first try attempt and I might make another web page (non sonic-related). Good Bye now....

Link to Knuckles#4 Summary
Link to Julie-Su's Image Gallery Drawings
Updated on 2/28/99
I was running out of space for this web page so I had to
take out the Julie-Su comic scans Image Gallery.
It will be up again soon.
I will be adding more summaries for the Knuckles comic soon.
What I did add is favorite quotes to the Knuckles #4 summary.
More updates to come.
Hi this is a web page for Julie-Su and Julie-Su only.
I made this web page because I wanted to do something different and since I haven't been able to find a Julie-Su web page. Instead of waiting to see if someone else would make one, I thought if would be better if I made one myself.
This is my first time making a web page that's why it looks amateurish but we all have to start somewhere.
If you want to leave a comment you can e-mail me or use the guestbook that's on top of the advertisment banners.
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If anyone would like to add a drawing of Julie-Su (solo)
to the Image Gallery E-Mail to me and I will add it in the Image Gallery. (limit of 6 pictures)
All the images will be credited with the artists name.
The drawings can be either black and white or in color.
Julie-Su is a copyright of Archie comics and Sega
(All images in this web page were scanned by me and not taken from any website if you would like to use any of these images for your webpage e-mail me and I will give you permission to use them.
For images if you put them on your website you must credit where you got them from or put a link to my page.)