Selected Pictures

(This page still under construction)

(This is me at age 18, about 1985. Incidentally, this was my Yearbook picture)

Wayne at 18

(This is me at age 31, at the office Christmas party 1997)

Wayne at 31

Desert Shield/Storm (12/90-5/91)

Our job - Motor Transport
Merry Christmas
Good buddies
Relax time
Wait is over - To the airport
Hurry up and wait - At the airport
Waiting for the plane
Plane is here - Hit the tarmac
Motor Transport all the way!
Let's go! United Airlines 747...
A shot of me.
Welcome to Saudi Arabia
Holy shit - We're really here...
We're all set now
Ready to meet the natives
Living conditions are good
Living conditions are VERY good

Cleaning up every thursday afternoon
Motor Transport - Dispatcher's Hut
In the Dispatcher's Hut
At the Loading Docks - Unloading Trucks
Nightly poker game
Me and my truck
Sandbagging it
Our bunker
Sleeping during a SCUD alert - During the air war
Wrecked APC - After the ground war
Jubail Airport - Ready to go home
Me and a buddy I didn't know was there
Going home at last - But we still had to wait
Time to board the plane home. Pan Am.
Welcome Home!
New York City Welcome Home Parade (6/10/91)
Thanks New York - Thanks Everyone!

Selected Images from my Past

Me in the fifth grade
My teachers from 6th grade. Trip to D.C.
Some of my friends. Trip to D.C.
One of my other friends. Trip to D.C.
My friends from High School. Graduation Day.
Some more friends from High School. Graduation Day.
Some more friends from High School. Graduation Day.
Some more friends from High School. Graduation Day.
Some more friends from High School. Graduation Day.
Some more friends from High School. Graduation Day.
Some more friends from High School. Graduation Day.
Some more friends from High School. Graduation Day.
Some more friends from High School. Graduation Day.
My reunion with my elementary school friends. 7/85
My reunion with my elementary school friends. 7/85

My reunion with my elementary school friends. 7/85
Class pictures in Elementary School
Class pictures in Elementary School
Class pictures in Elementary School
Class pictures in Elementary School
Class pictures in Elementary School
6th grade graduation with my aunt and parents
Me at a young age
Me at a young age
Me at a young age
My old day care group
My younger sister at a young age
My younger sister at a young age
My younger sister at a young age

Pencil and ink artwork - Selected items

Drawing #1
Drawing #2
Drawing #3
Drawing #4
Drawing #5
Drawing #6
Drawing #7
Drawing #8
Drawing #9
Drawing #10
Drawing #11
Drawing #12
Drawing #13

Drawing #14
Drawing #15
Drawing #16
Drawing #17
Drawing #18
Drawing #19
Drawing #20
Drawing #21
Drawing #22
Drawing #23
Drawing #24
Drawing #25
Drawing #26

Pictures of the Househunt

Househunt - House #1
Househunt - House #2
Househunt - House #3
Househunt - House #4

My House #1
My House #2
My House #3
My House #4
My House #5
My Neighbor's House

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