The XP 15 is great for it's size. That's the issue though, it's size. This is not a gun to take onto the battlefield if your opponents are armed with CPSs, and even big XPs. This gun is perfect for indoor fights, though because It's good, but it won't completely soak your (or your friend's) house.

This gun has an OK range. It's not spectacular, but it's okay. This gun is truly an XP. The water comes out of the gun so fast, that 10 seconds of continuous firing will completely empty the tank. It takes 40 pumps to fully pump this thing, but they're tiny pumps, and it only takes a few seconds to get it to full pressure.

What amazes me the most about this gun is, it's size. Here's a pic of the 15 next to a normal Floppy disc.

That smallness allows it to be easily consealed in your pocket. When you hold it, your pinky finger doesn't have anything to hold onto because it's so small, so a little discomfort there. Also, notice it lacks a trigger guard. Those are only really necissary in real guns, where an accidental firing may kill someone, so that doesn't really matter.

anyways, I wrote this just so I can update my site again. (has it really been a month? God! Anyways, I'm out. Catch ya on ICQ.