The Super charger power pack is a pretty good gun, if you always fight somewhat near a hose. Your definition of near is up to you.

Not that it doesn't carry lots of water,(it holds about a gallon) it's just that since you don't have to pump, you'll be enticed to hold the trigger down for long periods of time. While this tactic is fine on 3x, where you get a whole 60 seconds!!! of firing time, you only get about 16 secs on 10x.

This gun is a CPS technology gun, and has 3 CPS PTs on the backpack. this gun stays at a constant pressure for a long tome, but since some tanks empty before others, it's not exactly equal. During the last few seconds, it slowly whimpers down.

This gun feels very light, because almost all the weight is on your back, the only thing you have to hold is the gun which weighs just a few ounces.

The recoil is tremendous on this gun, because it's so light. I wish I could compare it to the 2000, but I haven't used this gun in awhile, because it's the off season, and my 2000 broke awhile ago. Also, the pressure is pretty good on the other end. It stings to get hit with this thing!!

The no Pump part is great, because you don't have to give your arm a workout. On the downside, however, It takes a while to fill. It takes 30 secs to fill using my hose, however it should be noted that my hose doesn't have much water pressure.

The only real issue is range. Not like this gun has the range of the 90 or anything, but the range is slightly lacking, and you'll have to get a little too close to a CPS to fire at the user.

All in all, an excellent gun, but, If you don't have a hose, you'll have no way to fill it.