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The Predator is one of the most versatile and cool conversion for species I have ever seen. Remember the foes is astonishing in multiplayer. Just when you think you're then man the hisssing sound of the predator behind sends a predator movie. Yup he can cloak and his ability to suprise his shiver down your spine and before you know it your DEAD with a capital D. The predator's name describes him the best he is a true hunter. He can zoom into his target from so far away and use the ultimate sniper weapon the spear gun to take out his enemies by suprise. He is very hard to see when he is not moving but when he moves you can make out his cloak just like in the movie. There is the coolest weapon in all species called the disc [think boomerang]. Well if you want to know more just get the game and simply love it

The Predator Features

Wristblade with secondary fire that increases damage 

Pistol with choice of spread or single shots 

Spear Gun 

Shoulder Cannon with secondary fire that allows you to charge the weapon for a more powerful blast 

Auto Aiming Throwing Disc 

Medi Comp which is used to heal and take out flames 

Grappling Hook [think batman] 

4 vivion modes that let you lock on with your weapon to different species


I dont want to spoil the fun of all you lucky avsp owners out there so in brief the story as a predator is.
  • Find your fellow predator friend
  • Get the pistol and throwing disc from the ship
  • Kill the alien queen

Click here to download predator demo I know there isnt much here but its better than ruining your fun!

Updates still to come so stay tuned