Enemy Fighters

Below are declassified information of the enemy fighters as observed by the crew aboard the TCS Midway during their engagement. Most of the picture was taken during certain missions and most of the details of the enemy's ship still remain unknown. As it is, most of these picture taken is to familiarize pilots to recognised the many type of enemy ships they will encounter in future operations. Until such a time, more details will be provided when we have more understanding of our enemies.


This was the first type of ships encountered by the crew of TCS Midway. Intel calls it the 'Moray'. From early observation, it appears that its shield is equavelant to our Piranha Light Fighter. It possessed no threat to us and can be disposed of easily, but when they comes in group, as they usually do, caution must be exercise. The most significant attributes that these fighters have is its yaw and pitch ability. They can turn at an astounding rate. It must also be said that all the enemy craft have this ability. Most of the time it takes only a single Heat Seeker missile to destroy.
Moray through ship's camera view Moray through ship's data view



Intel name this enemy craft the 'Stingray' and they usually come in groups. Their weapons are not very powerful, could be in the same class as out Laser weapons, but they have one special abilities, that is 'merging'. Three of these small craft can 'merge' into one and when it does, its firepower increases more than threefold. Piranha Light Fighter and other fighters with light shields configuration should never go head to head with them.
Stingray through ship's camera view Stingray through ship's data view Stingray 'merged' through ship's camera view



One of the most dangerous fighters the enemy posses. Intel name it the 'Manta'. It is equavelant to our Heavy Fighter in sheilds and weapons configuration and it is also more agile than our fighters. This craft have weapons that is similiar to our Heavy Plasma on the Devastator. A few direct hit is all it needs to destroy our fighters. It is most effective against our bombers, because of its slow speed and poor turning rate. Therefor, if any bombers wants to be succesful in their missions, it is imperative that their escort fighters take out this type of enemy craft first and extreme caution must be exercise when going against these enemy fighters.
Manta through ship's camera view Manta through ship's data view

Ray and Remora

This is craft is huge in size for a fighter and it has around six to eight of these small 'thing' encircling it. It has very slow speed, therefor its threat is not that great but from observation, when it is destroyed, these small 'things' start flying around at a very high speed and shooting us. These small craft is more of a nuisance than a threat. Intel name the 'mother' the 'Ray' and the smaller craft the 'Remora'. The Remora usually can be disposed of by a shot or two, and they have no shields whatsoever. It must also be noted that the 'Ray' has the ability to fire from their aft.
Ray through ship's data view Remora Remora through ship's data view


Lamprey through ship's data view Lamprey
This fighter is called the 'Lamprey'. It has an odd looking shape, like a big 'bowling ball' with a small tip at the top. It fires a weapon that is shape like a 'halo' and does considerable damaged. Once you can get behind this craft, it becomes easy target because of its slow speed but when it comes in large group then the threat of this type of fighters becomes more prominent. Intel has given this craft the name 'Lamprey'.


One of the fastest fighter that the enemy posses in its arsenal. This craft combines superior weapons loadout with speed and agility that makes it a deadly foe. It has four 'tentacles' like fang that it used to fire it primary weapons and this fang can be closed to enhanced its speed when necessary. This craft seldom appears alone (a similiar traits that appears in every encounter with the enemy where they always comes in groups of large numbers). Intel named this type of craft the 'Squid'.
Squid through ship's camera view Squid through ship's data view


This is the 'Skate' and don't let the name fool you. It may appear small and insignificant but when it 'merge' it is another story all together. Once this craft 'merge', it possessed firepower even greater than the Stingray itself and those who are foolish enough to go head to head with this type of craft will most often find themselves seeing the light of day for the last time. Some of the pilots that have encountered this type of craft even say that it has rear mounted guns. Confed Intel has yet to comfirn this.
Skate through ship's data view Skate in 'merged' position Skate 'merged' through ship's data view


This is considered one of the most powerful craft that the enemy has. It combines superior weapons with good shielding and speed makes this type of craft most deadly. Even Confed'd heavy fighter, the Vampire can barely matched it in evrey department. All pilots are advice to be extreamly careful when encountering this type of craft.
Devilray through ship's camera view Devilray through ship's data view