RMS Titanic Fiber Optics

Step 11

Docking Bridge

The docking bridge had several iron posts holding it up. You can clearly see this in Cameron's
film in the attempted suicide scene where Rose climbs over the poop deck railing. I counted
8 posts and so put 8 on the model. I haven't been able to find any other historical pictures with
them showing but the lighting effect is quite nice.

I used .50mm fiber for this cause the 1mm is just too big.
First cut your fibers leaving enough length say 5 inches each.
Tape the ends to a piece of masking tape so they don't move and can be easily painted.

Next paint them Flat White and allow to dry
Using a pinvise drill the holes through the Docking Bridge and the Poop Deck where you want the
posts to be.

Glue the posts on the underside of the deck this way no mess and looks cleaner.
Notice in the picture above right the two dark grey spots ? These were filled in with CA glue and then painted 2 times due to light leakage.

The tops of the fibers should not exceed the railing. The light was typically approx half way up the railing.
Make sure after the fibers are painted, you fresh cut smoothly at both ends thus removing any excess
paint from the ends.

I left approx. 1.5 inches of fiber underneath with the cut made at a slant towards the bulbs in order to capture more light.

Make sure you glue them facing the right direction towards the bulb !

 Do NOT glue the Poopdeck to the hull yet !!!

You now have to drill the holes for the crane lights and the flag pole cause it's alot easier now than after the poopdeck is glued down to the hull.

I substituted the C12 part (flag pole) for a piece of 1mm fiber. I found now way possible to drill C12 and
pass a fiber through it so substitution was the only answer.

Cut a 5" peice of 1mm fiber but before you cut at 5", bend it at 90 degrees and cut it just after the bend.
The bend will actually be your light on the flag pole. See illustration below.


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