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From : "Angelica Tiranas" hecatebane@hotmail.com
To : zemus0@hotmail.com

Subject : Greetings...

Date : Sun, 03 Mar 2002 17:02:26 +0000

I just got through your site, I was looking for a final fantasy 2 page...not that it's a great game, just that I had to finish it. So I decided to look at what else your bare-bones html page had to offer. And you know something? You are probably the biggest poser I've ever seen. Lesee, you play rpgs and write massive help files on them correct? Then you turn around and listen to music that sounds like a stupid brit getting his teeth pulled with a nail clipper. Come on, Cradle of Filth? They are a bunch of no-talent manson ripoffs. Ooo Dani Filth, what a creative name. "Serpent Tongue" I'm sure that's a nickname that will get you places. What, so you think you're a game-nerd-goth that's against any music where people don't tear their vocal cords to shit through screaming? So after reading your profile...I took a look at your picture...this just reinforced my earlier statement, little skinny bastard who can't get a girlfriend, underweight pale boney body that will never get laid. Do you think your gothic image is going to get you any action? Probably an atheist right? Or Pagan. I happen to be a christian, and no, I'm not a holier-than-thou type, I have sex almost every night of the week, I only mention my religion to point out how retarded your "new-age" beliefs are. There is a God, and he'll probably skewer your ass when you die. Do everyone a favor little boy, drop the goth routine, stop listening to garbage like Cradle of Filth, Emperor, Therion, Anathema and Switchblade Symphony (They, by the way are the nastiest girls I have ever seen; I happen to be a bisexual and the girls in switchblade are just stupid vixens who got attacked by 10 tons of makeup), all you're doing is making a fool of yourself. Your role in life is apparent, you are a little nerd who will never even kiss a girl and will spend his life in his parent's basement playing rpgs and writing crappy webpages about them - don't try to be more than your capable of. Oh, and I'll send you a link when I make my anti-cradle of filth page. And if you post this on your webpage like the other hatemail you got, you'll only be insulting yourself by showing everyone not so perceptive as I how pathetic you really are.

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