From : Kevin Anderson

To :
Subject : Your FF2 and SOM webpages
Date : Mon, 15 Jul 2002 20:39:18 -0700 (PDT)
Well, let me start at the beggining. I started out
looking for a webpage that might contain some info on
FF2 that I didn't know about, as I had just downloaded
an SNES emulator and the FF2 rom. I'd played the game
10 years ago, when I was 8, and then I realized it.
You're fucking a high school graduate who maintains
webpages about games that had it's day LONG ago. I
was expecting to find a long lost, run down sight that
hadn't had any updates in years. Instead, I find a
page that is run down, ghetto-fied, yet, has current
updates. Come on now, move on, play a x-box,
Everquest, something! And about your personal part of
the page; why did you post your picture? Why don't
you lie a little? Say you've been too busy to update
your page because you've been hitting skins with Luna.
Not only are you a self proclaimed RPG nerd, but
you're trying to be 'goth' (I haven't seen a goth
around here since 95). Daaaaaaamn!