Welcome to UDoomer's
Furcadia Website

Welcome to the new and improved website designed for Furcadia and desgined by UDoomer.  Several new dreams were rated this week. Goto the  Dream Rate Page to
see if your dream or the dream of someone you know was rated. The links above will all be working by January 31, 2000, assuming we don't all crash from  Y2K.  Click on the Y2K to see what Furcadians think about it and how it will affect you.  The first official meeting of The Shadow Academy will be taking place February 3, 2000.  To be apart of it and the planning of the guild, click on the button above.  The database will finally be in operation on the 31st of January. It will only have around 200 furres on it but that list will grow faster with the help of other furres.  If you would like to help, click  here.  That's all for right now.  As for any other news about Furcadia as well as rumors going around, click  here.

This page last updated December 27, 1999.

What did you think of my page?  Tell me  here.