Dragon Warriors Guild

The Following is a list of standards we Dragon Warriors live by. If you are hoping to join our guild please read the following carefully.

  1. Bad Language on Dragon Warriors Channels is not permitted.
  2. If you have a problem with someone in the Guild DO NOT bring in onto our channel. This is a personal affair and should be handled between you and that Privately. We will not tolerate slandering of another member.
  3. You may only have 4 characters inducted into DW these names will all hold the same rank as the main name.
  4. We do not permit our members walking around topless nor bottomless. If you want to do so please do not walk around publicly go into your home or in a cloud (realm) or in a private place and do so there.
  5. If you are offered a new rank and you do not think you have the time to do the duties properly please do not accept. and if you are going to accept then please take your position responsibly and act accordingly.
  6. All members must wear FULL Uniform to any Meeting held.
  7. Dragon Warriors is a peaceful Guild if you have a problem with a person in another guild DO NOT use Dragon Warriors Guild as a weapon or a threat. If you think this is a Guild issue PLEASE contact a HO member immediatly and we will handle the situation right away.
  8. We do not permit jumping
  9. We do not permit stealing
  10. If someone is attacking or stealing from you we have a strong Group we call the Dragon Guards please contact them and the problem will be taken care of as soon as possible.
  11. We do not permit ANYONE who is trouble maker on our channel.

We try to maintain the Highest ethics so this can be like the Family channel so you can let your children walk around and play with other members and know that they are safe from vulgar attacks etc.

We have the highest regards and respect for one another in DW. Our friendship reaches past the computer. You will always be treated with kindness and respect among our people. friendships and relationships are not taken lightly. We have to remember the is a real person with real feeling and emotions on the other end of that keyboard. We will stand by one anothers side through thick and thin. Hail Dragon Warriors!!
