Here is a list of all of the Battle Reports that I have been collecting from the [WHFB] Mailing List. Enjoy!
Story 'The Coming' by ^wiseguy^

Cheese or Luck? by Rifarma

Another Battle Report by Gintaras

[SIEGE] [Battle Report] Part 1: Forlorn Hope by Colen

[SIEGE] [Battle Report] Part 2: Send for help! by Colen

[SIEGE] [Battle Report] Part 3: Infiltrators by Colen

[SIEGE] [Battle Report] Part 4: Undermine! by Colen

[SIEGE] [Battle Report] Part 5: Test the defences by Colen

Dwarfs vs. High Elves 3000 points by Jeroen

Siege Report by James

Siege: final assault on Karak Dûnmar by Sascha

D'Artagne's Downfall II Battlereport by John

[Siege] Part I: Morgan sends for help by Colen

[Siege] Part II: Reinforcements have arrived! by Colen

Yet another Battle report by Jeroen

The king is dead, long live the king! by Brad