
Central WebPage

Si hablas español entra aquí

Welcome to my home website. I am a big fan of videogames, particularly RPG, and Japanese anime series. There are lots of projects I want to do here, but I hardly use to complete them or it takes me a true lot of time.
Go and see by yourself what I say and enjoy!

Chrono Trigger Out of Control!!!

This is my tribute to the big world of Crono on which I am. It is one of my favorite SNES games. I admit it, the page has been under heavy construction for quite a long time and I add a lot of new things which I don't know when I finish then. I sure have a lot of things to put in (including the long-waited academy) but yet I have to give it body. Show the interest some of you have (thank you) and maybe I'll give this project more time than the others. (Have you ever clicked on the blue underlined word that says mail me?)
Updated on February 1st!

The Original RPG Contest

Closed Down

The RPG contest has now closed.
All the files that composed it are still here if you want to see them.


Spanish Sites:
Now I have a site in Spanish. This is in case any native English speaker can understand it and wishes to visit it. Also, if the site becomes good enough and an English version is requested, there might be one.

El Santuario del Anime

(The Anime Sanctuary)

Inspired on Athena's Sanctuary of the anime Saint Seiya, this is a library for Spanish fanfiction and fan art on the topic of Anime. This is because I find anime fanfiction in Spanish quite disperse, while there are lots of English anime fanfiction libraries with several hundred items, not to mention most of the Web Sites are on English. With this idea I plan to be novel, also any Spanish Anime project I might have will be here.

Photo in New York. This was over a year ago. My name is Saul, which I like and use a lot compared to the invented-nick-identification that is usual on the net. I'm a high school student on the last year.
I got into the Internet over a year ago (just after that picture on the right, indeed) and my opinion is always the same: It's great. I consider it to be one of the modern wonders of the world.
I fell in love with Nintendo when I first saw it and always have been a big fan. Anime joined my hobbies a years ago too. I write Nintendo fanfics in IcyBrian's Chrono Trigger Fanfic Page and created the group The Legion of Fantasy.
I'm fully open to your comments. In other words, please mail me!

If you are here, you probably are interested on some information on myself.
(And if you're not, you better go back, because that's all there is from on now)

Full name:
Enrique Saul Gonzalez Di Totto
Empty name:
Caracas, capital city of Venezuela, South America.
Date of Birth:
November 28, 1981. -I've just found a better use for the year 2000 counter...
Height and Weight:
1.76 m/5'9 and 50 Kg / 134 pounds -Can't believe it hasn't changed since last update!-
Languages spoken:
Spanish, English, a very little bit of Italian and trying to learn Japanese.
Dreams and hopes for the future:
I'm enjoying this stuff of doing web pages so I hope it becomes a good page people knows about. Maybe I can get a half time job maintaining some. Now, for long-term, after I graduate, I really hope I can make it into Digipen Applied Computer Graphics School and I can become a videogames programmer. It's just what I'd like to work on for the rest of my life. Also a great dream of mine is to someday meet all the wonderful people I've met on the net.
Videogame Systems owned:
Nintendo 64, Super NES, Game Boy Pocket, PlayStation, Pentium PC.
Favorite Videogames:
Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, StarFox 64, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy Series, Megaman X Series, Banjo-Kazooie, The Legend of Zelda for Super NES, Game Boy and probably N64 if it ever comes out.
Favorite Nintendo Characters:
Super Mario, Yoshi, Link, Crono, Terra, MegaMan.
Known Animes:
Saint Seiya, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Captain Tsubasa, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Urusei Yatsura (Not too well).
Favorite Anime Characters:
Shion, Sagittaurus Ayoros, Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Masked, Gokou, Yamcha, Piccoro Daimaku, Shinji Ikari.
E-mail adresses: Site affairs Personal affairs Forgotten affairs since I hardly check or use it
ICQ Number (UIN-Universal Internet Number):
Activities done in the net:
Writing Nintendo & SquareSoft Fanfics, chatting in IRC meetings and talking to people via e-mail.

Saul is a proud member of The Legion of Fantasy

ShionSaul is an Registered Undernet User

Playing Nintendo, watching anime, e-mailing friends, writing in the computer.
Things I'm supposedly good at:
Writing, acting, solving computer trouble, making friends... thought these are not always in the best mental state...
Marital Status:
Single -sigh-.
Favorite foods:
Pasta, KFC Chicken, Hamburgers, Mushrooms.
Foods that make me sick:
Pizza, (I HATE it and that's FINAL!) Soup.
Explaination to my thin complexion:
If you have ever seen my IRC fighting style, you know that it bases greatly on the stars. Well, stars have to burn great quantities of their great mass to produce their tremendous energy. So there!
Personal thoughts:
"Life blooms and wilts many times over the years, but who knows how many petals are in the center, or what kind of them."
"What did I do to deserve this?"
"My Girlfriend is none of your business!!!"
"May the Legion of Fantasy fight forever!"

I'd like to thank my parents because it's thanks to them that I have access to the Internet and thus this site exists.

Wel,. unless some major chaos like the Day of Lavos happens, I'll be here ready to hear your comments. Now go and check my sites. Until then!

As an alternative to e-mail, you can use my Message Board

My real URL is
My V3 Redirection URL

Chrono Trigger Out of Control!!!

The Original RPG Contest

El Santuario del Anime

Spanish Saul's site

This page has been visited times since November 23, 1998.