Here are my pics from Europe 99 of Rome, Italy.

Here I am in Rome, Italy standing by this remarkably small car.

Hermina, Stacie and Carrie standing by the same car..

Stacie in front of the Colosseum getting the usual Roman treatment to a Christian.

Standing my ground with the Romans as a Christian with a smile on my face in spite of their dire threats.

The Colosseum. A sight of much suffering by the early Christians at the hands of the Romans.

Each of these levels used to have hundreds of seats containing shouting spectators.

The hidden underground catacombs are now visible with the destruction of the arena floor.

You can imagine the horror that early Christians felt when they were shoved up through a trapdoor from these passages to an arena full of hungry lions.

Rejoice in the great faith of the early Christians to stand strong in their faith even with consequences such as these.

I think I could make a postcard out of this picture of the Colosseum.

A monument near the Pantheon in Rome, Italy.

St. Angeleo's Castle on the way to the Vattican.

The Catholic Pope speaking in front of St. Peter's Cathedral which was under rennovation.

The entrance of the Vattican.

A tapestry representing the Resurrection of Christ in the Sistine Chapel.

One of the extravagently painted hallways in the Sistine Chapel.

A tapestry in the Sistine Chapel depicting ancient Italy.

In Michaelangelo's section of the Sistine Chapel.

A courtyard in the Vattican.