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Welcome to Carlos Adán's Page

Hi I'm Carlos Adán. I was born in Madrid on March 19th, 1973. I live in Madrid, and work for a swedish telecom company as a telecommunication engineer.

I'm just starting to build my new Home Page, which will be ready in just a few centuries (at least I hope so). This text is intended to be long enough in order to test the disposition around my beautiful face. :-) Hey, just kidding. But it seems that I'm not able to make it appear beside my picture.

Photographic Gallery

If you want to look at some interesting pictures you can visit my Photographic Gallery page.

It is still under construction, but you can find some pictures of myself and the rest of the people who started to work for Ericsson S.A. on February'98.

Also some pictures of myself when I was a little bit younger are available.

NEW: A picture of me with GARRY KASPAROV !!!

Chess and Suicide Chess

I love playing chess and chess variants (such as Suicide Chess).
I usually play at FICS (Free Internet Chess Server) or EICS, mainly at nights (European time) and weekends.
My username is "carlosab" in both of them.
I also run the computer account named "MoiSui" which I'm still developing to play Suicide Chess.
If you want to see my finger notes (and games stats) on each server just click on the right link:

finger carlosab at FICS (AICS)
finger carlosab at EICS
finger MoiSui(C) at FICS (AICS)

The Free Internet Chess Server

You are the visitor number since March 8th, 2000.

Last Modified: March 14th, 2000.
Carlos Adán Bonilla

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