Semi-Auto Guns
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The Autococker is most definately a tounament gun.  I am planing on getting this gun and the only bad thing I have heard is that you will have to work on it if you want it to work at top effency.

       STO Autococker
This is the upgraded version of the stock Autococker.  The only difference between the stock Autococker and the STO Autococker is the regulator barrle and a few other little differences.

  Eagle Semi-Auto Pistol
By Daisy Manufacturing.  The only use for this gun as far as I can see is for a side-arm.  I'm sarry but their is no use for this gun as your normail use gun.

Once again this is a tournament ready gun.  I have heard nothing wrong with this gun.  I have also noticed that a good amount of the pro players use this gun.

This is a mock-up of the sypder.  It is a good gun but not even a tounament grade gun.  I still don't think that Brass Eagle should even be considered a paintball manufacturer.  They would have to make one hell of a gun to get me to like them.

  SL-68 II
This is the pump action version of the Tippmann Prolight.  The only difference between the Prolight and the SL-68 ll is the fact that the SL-68 ll is a pump.

Way to go Kingmann.  I have this gun and I have only on few occations had a ball brake in it.  It is very accurate and I love it but I am still going to go to the Autococker.

       Spyder Special Edition
The Spyder Special Edition is best described as a decked out Spyder.  It has upgrades on it that would normaly cost hundreds of dollars more!

  Stingray II
I have this gun and it is about as accurate as an M-16 on full-auto.  For anyone who don't know what a M-16 is like on full auto you would have a hard time hitting the brod-side-of-a-barn.

Gun of the Year (1996 P.C.R.I.).  On this gun atleast Tippmann isn't using the CO2 hose for the trigger guard.  The hose still isn't the best but this gun is accurate and dependable.  Good gun.

A compact version of the popular Prolite.  The only difference is a vertical adapter and about $60.00.  Not one I would recamend.

The adds are all over the place for this one.  Stong, dependable, and built to last.  I have seen this gun and the bottom of the handle is totaly exposed.  I have found it to be okward and they also use the CO2 hose as a trigger guard.  The hose is at least made of metal.  I wouldn't like for the hose to brake on me and have liquid CO2 on my hand.  Burrr.

    Alley Cat
This gun is used by a lot of fields and none of my friends have liked it.  I have never used one, and I for one am not planing on doing so any time soon.

Of all the guns I like the trigger guard on this one the best.  I personaly like the spot for the tank as well.  This gun is a good intermediate gun. The only bad thing with where the tank goes is that is is front heavy. You can make alterations, but it does cost money.

     Nova 700
This is the first totaly pneumatic paintball marker.  I havn't been able to use this gun yet but it has way too many moving parts to get scrued up. One really cool thing is that if your using the gun and you take off the tank, it still has about ten to twenty more shots.

      Shocker Sport
This gun is an awsome gun.  I would love to have one but for the price,  I don't think that this is the best gun.  Go with the Autococker STO.

The Scorpion is from what I can tell a lot like the Spyder.  It comes with a few extras like volocity adjustable power and a few other extras.  Nice looking and nicely priced.

This is by far the most expensive gun made.  The one problem with it is they havn't, as far as I know, how to fix the problem with moisture in the handle and one the electronics in the handle are wet the Angel is about useless untill you get a new bord for the gun.


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