
Miss Navajo
Radmilla Cody.
Photo by: C.J. Woody

Radmilla Cody is the 46th. Miss Navajo Nation. She carries on a proud tradition. Besides being a woman of beauty and poise, she also posesses the traditional skills of a Navajo woman, and a desire to help her fellow man. She is working very hard to prevent child abuse and neglect, alcohol and substance abuse, elder abuse and neglect, domestic violence, and to prevent gang activity. These modern day problems are surfacing more and more in Dinetah', and with her help, and others like her, perhaps we can stop these things before they get a true foothold. All of these things are against the Navajo Way.

Miss Cody is of the Red Bottom People clan. Born for the African Americans. Her maternal grandfathers clan is the Mexican clan. Her paternal is the African Americans. Miss Cody is 21 years old grew up in Grand Falls which is about 15 miles East of Leupp. Her grandmother raised her herding sheep, weaving rugs, and speaking the Navajo language being that was her Grandmothers source of communication. Miss Cody dealt with a lot growing up half black and half Navajo.

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