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Malaysia Truly Asia - Your Diving Paradise
Malaysia Dive Fact
Malaysia is situated at the heart of Southeast Asia, which comprises of Peninsular Malaysia and the states of Sabah and Sarawak. Peninsular Malaysia is bordered in the north by Thailand, and Singapore towards the south. While the Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak located in the northern part of the island of Borneo is separated by 500 kilometres of the South China Sea from Peninsular Malaysia.

 Malaysia is fast becoming one of the leading dive destinations of the world with the richest marine environment in the Indo-Pacific Basin. The incredible bio-diversity of marine life coupled with beautiful islands with white sandy beaches and clear warm waters keep the divers coming back for more. From schoolingg hammerhead sharks, huge schools of barracudas and various turtles to the bizarre frogfish r ghost pipefish, there is always something to fascinate the divers. In Malaysia, the coral reef ecosystem is reported to support aquatic organism numbering more than 50 genera of coral and more than 200 species of fish. Each time a marine bio-diversity survey is conducted in the Malaysian tropical sea, the species list increases.

 Dive centres in Malaysia are well equipped and are certified by relevant agencies for maintaining their standard of safety and professionalism. Scuba diving courses endosed by certifying agencies like PADI, NAUI, SSI and BSAC. Some of the courses available include the initial 'Open Water Course', 'Diving Instructor course' or even a 'Re-breather Course'. Upon completion of your scuba course you can be outfitted with the latest scuba equipment of most international brands available from dive centres in Malaysia.

 Almost all the islands in Malaysia cater for divers of all levels of experience - be it easy shore diving to advance wreck diving or technical diving. Operators engaged with technical diving are well equipped with portable emergency oxygen kits, special tank refilling equipment and other necessary facilities.

 Top dive sites around Malaysia include diving along gentle slopping reef, submerged reefs, coral blocks, wall dives, deep dives, drift dives and wreck dives. Dive operators, like any other around the world, will insist on seeing your certification for the type of diving that you wish to do and to undergo a check-up dive. To advance your skills in scuba diving, dive centres are able to offer further scuba courses at competitive and affordable rates.
courtesy by TOURISM MALAYSIA, Ministry of Culture, Arts & Tourism
Titan Dive Team  
Peninsular Malaysia East Coast Malaysia