
As Reggina walked into the dining hall her friend Talia waved from one of the tables in back. Reggina returned the hello and then walked toward her. “How’s it going Reggina?” She asked. Reggina sat down and then said, “Pretty good. I’m getting kind of nervous now though. The eggs are extremely hard and the weyrleader thinks that they will crack within the sevenday.” Talia nodded and put some tubers into her mouth. Reggina called for some food and then stroked Hlian, her bronze firelizard as she thought. “What are you thinking about?” Talia asked. When Reggina didn’t answer she kicked her boot. “What?” Reggina asked. Talia rolled her eyes and said, “What are you thinking about?” Reggina smiled. “I was thinking about the hatching, and what color I am to Impress.” Talia stuffed some bread into her mouth and then said, “And?” Reggina’s dinner arrived and she took a bite of meat before answering. “And I think that I will Impress green.”

She finished her dinner and told Talia she had things to do. As she got up and walked out of the dining hall someone called her name. She whirled around to find J’ler, a snobby, self-centered, egotistical bronzerider. “Well hello J’ler,” Reggina said flatly. J’ler smiled and said, “Ah Reggina, a pleasure as always. I see that the eggs are almost to clutching. We shall not have to wait long I think. I only hope that you Impress gold, so that my Helverth will be able to fly her.” Reggina rolled her eyes and turned away. J’ler grabbed it and turned her around to face him. “Why do you not find me attractive Reggina? Everyone seems to.” Reggina scratched her head and said, “How may I put this? Maybe everyone but me finds you attractive because they can’t see through your complements and gifts. I on the other hand, can.” With that she turned around and walked out of the dining hall, leaving J’ler standing there with his mouth open.

“Ugh I can’t stand him,” she told Hlian as she walked up the stairs towards her weyr. The bronze chirped in agreement and took off from her shoulder, flying a few feet in front of her. Just as she was approaching her weyr Hlian squawked loudly and dove down in front of his owner, stopping his fall and then pulling at her shirt. “What do you want Hlian?” She asked as she tried to get her shirt out of the bronze’s grip. He warbled uncontrollably and Reggina tried to settle him, afraid someone might get upset because of the noise he was making. However, nothing would quiet him and she let herself be dragged down the stairs. “Hlian where are we going?” She asked desperately. The bronze chirped and then dragged her towards the hatching sands. “Shards they’re hatching aren’t they?” She asked. Hlian chirped and dropped to her shoulder. She ran towards the hatching sands and a bluerider stopped her. “Whoa hold on there. Only candidates can go out on the sands.” Reggina brushed her hair out of her face and said, “I am a candidate! Are they about to hatch? I still have to get my robe on.” The bluerider shook his head. “Don’t worry about the robe fore they are hatching now,” he said as he pushed her onto the sands.

Reggina walked out onto the sands and faced the eggs. A few had already split and two were now beginning to rock harder. She saw that a bronze and a blue had already hatched, and she hoped that the bronze had emerged first, fore it was a sign of a healthy clutch. Reggina looked to the rocking eggs again just as one of them split open, revealing a small blue snout. The dragonet creeled in hunger and then broke out the rest of the way. He headed for one of the boys and Reggina smiled. “It’s going to be a good day Hlian.” The bronze chirped and then Reggina blinked. “Wait you can’t be here Hlian,” she said as she waved him from her shoulder. “Go up to those rafters and wait till I Impress.” Hlian chirped and jumped from her shoulder, going to the spot where Reggina had pointed. She turned back to the eggs just the other cracked open. A opalescent eye could be seen through the crack and Reggina watched intently as the dragonet poked it’s way through the tough shell. The dragonet ended up being a green and she walked slowly towards Reggina.

| Candidate | Jr. Weyrling | Sr. Weyrling | Adult |
| Search Story | Hatching Story | Stats |