Jr. Weyrling

Reggina walked slowly back to her weyr, green dragon a step behind her. Reggina I can’t go that fast! Her newly hatched dragonet said. She turned around and said, “I’m sorry, I’m trying to go slow.” The hatchling warbled and walked in front of Reggina, so that she couldn’t get any faster. I am glad I Impressed you before another could Reggina, the hatchling said. Reggina smiled and patted the smooth hindquarters. The two lifemates walked the rest of the way to the weyr in silence.

When she walked in her bronze flitter Hlian instantly greeted her. Chittering madly he flew in circles around Foanith, who crooned in fright. “Hlian cut that out!” she said as she went to Foanith’s side. The bronze landed lightly on her shoulder and looked down and the green. Foanith’s opalescent eyes were mixed in various shades of red and she barred her teeth and hissed. Hlian chittered back until Reggina put her hand firmly around his snout. When she released him he rubbed his snout, warbled angrily and then flew into the other room. “I’m sorry about that Foanith, he gets a little antsy around people or creatures he doesn’t know.” Foanith unfolded her wings and said, It is all right Reggina, I will live.

Foanith and Reggina spent most of the rest of the afternoon sitting on the outer ledge watching as dragons came and went. I would like to learn how to fly Reggina. When do I get to? Reggina rubbed her eyeridges and said, “In about a year. The first year all you get to do is eat sleep and grow while I learn about your anatomy, how you’ll grow, jobs in the Weyr as well as other classes.” Foanith raised her head and asked, Why must you learn how I will grow if you will be able to see it anyway? Reggina shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just the way the Weyr is set up. Well I think it’s silly. If I were the senior female I would rewrite all the rules and make things, well make sense. Reggina laughed and said, “Well unfortunately you won’t have that opportunity, although I wish you did.” Foanith sat up and said, And why will I not have that privilege? Reggina smiled and said, “You have to be a gold in order to become senior female. Or I’m pretty sure. I’ve never heard of a green becoming a senior female.” Foanith snorted. I shall change that as well.

| Candidate | Jr. Weyrling | Sr. Weyrling | Adult |
| Search Story | Hatching Story | Stats |