Name: Tom Stewart.
Country: England.
Age: 16.
Fave Singer: Tupac Shakur.
Fave Group: D12.

Top 5 Dragonball Z Characters:-
1. Vegeta
2. Trunks
3. Goku
4. Tenshinhan
5. Gohan

Top 6 Dragonball Z Attacks:-
1. Final Flash
2. Spirit Bomb
3. Big Bang Attack
4. Gallick Gun/Ho
5. Masenko
6. Kamehameha

Top 5 Dragonball Z Battles:-
1. Goku and Vegeta Vs. Buu
2. Vegeta Vs. Android #19
3. Goku Vs. Frieza
4. Gogeta Vs. Evil Shenlong
5. Vegitto Vs. Buu

Top 5 Dragonball Z Moments:-
1. Vegeta first becomes a super saiyan.
This is just a scene not to be messed with, in the whole of Dragonball Z there isn't a moment that would dare try to top it. When Vegeta says " Does an Android ever experience FEAR!" It just makes me clench a fist.
2. When Vegeta ditches his evil side.
Any Vegeta fan would have to love this scene. Vegeta's line: " Kakarott you're number 1" is just top class!
3. Goku kills Frieza.
The best Goku scene by far! I defy anyone who can think of a better Goku scene. Everything about it is perfect, the music, the lines, the animation.
4. Goku and Vegeta fuse into Vegetto.
As a Vegeta fan, the thought of Vegeta and Goku working as a team just makes me smile.
5. Vegeta kills Android #19.
This is basically the best 'Victory For Vegeta' scene ever!