Runner Java


This simple piece of software is something I wrote to help me keep track of my run training.
I have looked at existing logging software, but those seemed to be too complex, built just for the Windows operating system (not an option) or otherwise not suitable for my needs. Besides that, I wanted to maintain and expand my Java knowledge. So why not combine those two needs into a piece of software?

Now that a working first version is done, with simple, but adequate functionality, I decided to place it on my homepage. This way, I have a backup on a remote server, and perhaps someone else could use it for their personal needs.

This software lets you enter training data easily, and save it in XML format.
XML is an open format and will probably be around forever. So your data will be safe even if (unlikely) this program does not work on any computer any more in the distant future.
XML is easily imported in most productivity software (for instance Microsoft-Office, if you are into that sort of thing) for further analysis, if you wish to do so. XML is also human readable, so you could also edit the data file outside of the program in your favourite text-editor and load the data back in the program for statistics. When you go, for example, oversees for a couple of months, you only have to take the XML data-file with you, record your data in it by hand, and load it into the program when you return home.

The program is written in Java, because I like Java and because it runs on nearly all operating systems, from Windows to Mac to *nix to *BSD to Amiga etc. So if you switch platforms, you don't have to give up this program if you have been using it for some time.

The current version is made just for my local settings, meaning Dutch date format (dd-mm-yyyy) and kilo metres for distance.

The program has three screens:

  1. The datagrid, which shows data, you can edit, delete and add data in this screen.
  2. The statistics, which shows a small amount of results aggregated from your data.
  3. The graph, which is a simple line graph, that shows the distance you ran for all runs.

See the screenshots below for a visual.



In the near future, I will release this software under GPL, meaning that you can also download the sourcecode for this program, so you can modify it and build your own version. Some time is needed to comment, tidy up and package the code before I will release it. Until then feel free to use the build offered on this page.

Please don't complain if you decide to use the software, spend hours inserting all your training data, and the program destroys it suddenly. I am not to be held responsible for your loss of time, data or anything. Remember that this software was written for my personal use and you are welcome to use it for free without me supporting it or your data. Although the program is thoroughly tested, bugs can occur.

For the graph I used the GPL'ed api Chart2D, which is excellent stuff. Cheers for making it, thanks a lot!


You will need the Java Runtime Enviroment (JRE), already available on most Windows systems (for XP, you need 'service pack 1').
It is easily added to other operating systems like Mac, Linux of *BSD. If you have to get it, see The program is tested with java 1.4.0 and 1.4.2 (latest as of now, 25-sept-2003) on Windows and Linux. The 1.4.2 version of the Java runtime environment is notably faster (about 60% on Windows) than previous versions, so I recommend you get this one.

If you've accepted that this software is free to use and the author is only responsible for his own actions, NOT yours, please download version 1.0 here

After downloading the zipfile, you can extract it with your favourite archiving tool to a directory of your choice. For people who use Windows I included a file called 'runner.bat' that starts the program. If it doesn't and you do have a Java Runtime Environment installed, you probably don't have java.exe in your path. To solve this you could edit runner.bat so that it points to the exact location of your java.exe, for example, 'c:\j2sdk1.4.2_01\bin\java.exe'. People who run a Unix version, can start the program something like this: ./java RunnerGui


In future releases I want to focus on adding customization features and localization options, so you can make the program work the way you like it and in your own local way (date format, distance format etc.)

I would also like to add a feature to draw routes on a map you've added yourself. The program will then calculate distance and milestones etc.

The code needs to be optimized for (elegance and) speed. The GUI needs some adjusting too.

Feel free to contact me on tjercus at with suggestions for additional features.

Tjerk Valentijn 25-09-2003.

Note that Java is a registered trademark of Sun, and Microsoft-Office is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Mac is a registered trademark of Apple, others I forgot to mention are probably also registered trademarks of some companies.



The datagrid

The statistics

The graph

The about screen