Welcome To Toby's Webpage
Toby's Pictures
0-12 months
13-24 months

Professional Pics
2 Month Pics
9 Month Pics

Pictures of Toby and Chloe

Pictures of me with my Family
Daddy and me
Mommy and me
Emily and me
My baby sister Chloe
me with other relatives

My First Holidays!
My First Halloween
My First Thanksgiving
My First Christmas
My First Easter
My First Birthday

Holidays - Age 1
July 4th

Other Firsts...
My First Baseball Game (minor)
My First Baseball Game (majors)

Other Links...
Mommy's Page

Emily's Page
Chloe's Page

My Live Journal
Baby Center



Toby in his packie

This is a web page about Toby! He's now 16 months old. Toby gets into a ton of mischeif and likes to climb everything. He loves his baby sister. He's starting to talk a bit more. He says "hi kitty" (i kieee) or "hi Todd" (i odd) and "what's that" (wha dat?). He also said "gonna get you!" (gon gee choooo) and a few other things. He's learning so much and is just SO smart!

He likes to run around the house and chase after Todd. He also likes The Wiggles on TV. He's busy learning everything he can. 

Christmas is in a few days and we'll be taking pictures of him to post in the Holidays section. To see his most recent pictures, look in the 13-24 month section and look under 16 months. 

Take a look around! Feel free to e-mail us with any comments or suggestions. Thanks!

Beka, Chris, Toby and Chloe!

Lilypie Baby Days

Here's a counter telling you how old I am!

Lilypie Baby Birthday

Here's a counter for my baby sister Chloe too!
Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!