Dave Matthews Band
Turner Field, Atlanta, Georgia
Wednesday  June 6 2001

Taper:		George Wang 
Source:		Neumann ak40s > Neumann lc-3 active cables > Neumann km100s > 
		Sonosax sx-m2 > Audio Magic X-Stream XLRs > Sonic ad2k+ @ 44.1 16ns3
Location:	10th row, stage left stack

DAT > SHN:	DA-30 mk.II > Opcode Datport > IBM Think Pad 600X >
		Sound Forge 4.5
Disc One:

01:	Intro					- 	01:48.000
02:	One Sweet World				- 	09:44.000
03:	When The World Ends *			- 	04:19.000
04:	The Space Between *+			- 	05:12.000
05:	Fishman & The Drunk Monkey -->		-	06:16.000
06:	Bartender				-	11:34.000
07:	I Did It *+				-	04:30.000
08:	Sleep To Dream Her *			-	05:03.000
09:	Grace Is Gone				-	07:08.000

Total:						-	55:34.000

Disc Two:

01:	Disc Two Intro				-	00:40.000
02:	#41 (Everyday outro)			-	12:51.000
03:	True Reflections *+			-	09:43.000
04:	What You Are				-	06:28.400
05:	Long Black Veil *+			-	13:00.600
06:	JTR *+					-	06:39.000
07:	Angel *+				-	11:11.680
08:	Stay *+					-	10:59.000

Total:						-	71:32.680

Disc Three:

01:	Disc Three Intro			-	00:31.200
02:	Waste ^					-	04:30.000
03:	Everyday (#36) *+			-	09:36.000
04:	Ants Marching *				-	08:34.000
05:	Intro $					-	00:23.000
06:	Caligula --> $				-	04:14.733
07:	Why Didn't You Call Me --> $		-	02:55.533
08:	Do Something $				-	06:56.133
09:	Sex-O-Matic Venus Freak --> $		-	01:52.133
10:	? $					-	03:45.466
11:	I've Committed Murder $			-	05:44.666
12:	I Can't Wait To Meetchu --> $		-	06:25.866
13:	I Try (No Woman No Cry) $		-	08:29.466

Total:						-	63:58.200

* Butch Taylor on keys
+ Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda
^ Dave solo

$ Filler: Opening Band - Macy Gray

compiled by George Wang on 6-10-2001

    Source: geocities.com/todd_29201