This is a collection of beautiful, heartwarming stories. I have chosen a few that are really inspiring to me, and will be adding more as time goes on.
I am a on the mailing list from their website, and you too can receive this inspiring newsletter every day in your mailbox, if you want to join. Just click on the link below, and sign up.
Each story has the authors name, and their email on the story they wrote. If their story touches your heart as it has mine, please email them and let them know how much you appreciate it.
Thank you and God Bless you!
Blessings by Joseph B. Walker |
* Marriage * by Joseph B. Walker |
Regret by Daniel James |
Get To by Lesleigh Ann Schaefer |
Bad Words by Christine Nielsen |
The Photograph by Pamela Jenkins |
Dancing With Nonny by Rusty Fischer |
Noxema Memories by Pamela Blaine |
20/20 by Grace Witwer Housholder |
Locks of Love by Grace Witwer Housholder |
Yes, It Really Works! by Bill Pearson |
Green Roses by Grace Witwer Housholder |
To Catch A Queen by Joseph B. Walker |
The Big Night by Jennifer Oliver |
Team Work by Jennifer Oliver |