What's Going On?

Here's the Deal.


Right now you're probably wondering why you're seeing THIS page instead of the page you expected to see. Well, in a nutshell, I got busy with other stuff. Add to that the facts that a) I'm not nearly as into video games as I used to be and b) I'm not nearly as into making webpages as I used to be and c) I'm in the process of moving right now (real world moving), and you've got yourself a pretty good idea of why ABSOLUTE ARCADE and ACTION! Studios are no longer online. My sincere apologies to anyone who had been enjoying them for the year or so they were online, and to the people who've linked their sites to them.

ALSO... I'm unfortunately also too busy to answer e-mails at this time. Sorry! ^^;; If you really want to e-mail me for some reason, that's fine with me, but understand that there'll be a long (month or so possibly) wait before I get a chance to reply. Direct your e-mails here if I haven't managed to deter you yet. ^_-

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! ^^ J-Rock Translation Station will remain open. See? Life's not all bad. Updates are highly unlikely at this time though.

Thanx for your support of these pages,
