Akira pictures are up and running now, if one doesnt work please notify me. (desc. coming later, there's a lot of them...)

Logo (Japanese)
Logo (English with Kaneda)
Akira screen shot
Akira from the manga version
Kaneda's Motorcycle (Really big)
Kaneda's Motorcycle (small poster shot)
Kaneda's Motorcycle (over head view)
Kaneda's Motorcycle (broken)
Explosion That started WW3
The Colonel
Keneda's gang
Kaneda (Screen shot at Juke box)
Kaneda (B#W image)
Kaneda (riding his Bike)
Kaneda (blended with Tokyo)
Kaneda on his Bike (small)
Kaneda (with part of the logo in BG)
Kaneda (from the manga, I think)
Kay (B&W small)
Kay (B&W screen shot)
Movie Poster
Movie Cover (Japan)

There are pictures of Tetsuo that I have yet to put up.

Okay, get this: I went hunting for Tenchi Muyo pictures and found plenty, most of them are of Ryoko, but plenty never the less. Seeing as how i have found such a vast amount of picture, I felt that instead of scrolling down for an eternity I would give them their own subpage. If this is what you are hunting for then come and see what I have.

Gunnm(Gun Dream); in America this is known as Battle Angel
That's a big gun!
Locked up
fight 3
fight 51
fight 6
fight 7
Gal final fight
Gally's fight with Zapan
Gally & Ido
First step into zalem
Gally under fire
Gally's wedding
Gally & Yugo

Koko-wa Greenwood is a Comedy with a touch of Romance...or so I've heard. I havn't seen the Greenwood series yet but I am fascinated never the less.
Here is what Brad said about Here is Greenwood: The Greenwood Series

To hear more about Greenwood visit my links page and follow to the path of Greenwood.

Sorry! Descriptions coming later.
Manga Cover?
Suka-chan and Igarashi Miya

If I ever get off my butt a new series of pictures will be here!

This is some misc. stuff (some not anime/manga.) Have fun.

Tool eye
Cloud of FF7
my friend Megan
me in early 97 or so
Track '97
Juvas Klutch
Manga Logo
chick from sandman comics
This ones cool
Chicks worth looking at
