Sailor Moon: An Ever Changing Web Page

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Welcome to Sailor Moon

An ever changing Web Page

This page best viewed on Netscape.

Do you want new episodes?? Or how about info on the SOS campaign?? Click on the picture below. I made it, and feel free to take it. ;)

I will be posting a monthly "mini shrine" page devoted to an individual Sailor Senshi. It will include a mini image gallery, stats and download sound files. Click here to go to "Sailor Moon's Page" (coming soon)

This is one of my favourite pictures from Sailor Moon.

In Japan they are in their rumored last season of Sailor Moon. There have been 5 seasons: Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S, Sailor Moon Super S and the final series Sailor Moon Sailor Stars. It is shown Friday nights at 7pm (?). There have been three movies Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S and Sailor Moon Super S released in Japan. You can purchase the movies at select stores in North America.

things to do and places to see

...My shrines this is a place with my shrines to Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Chibi.
...My links this is where i have all my links *well duh* and i only put up links after ppls ask me, so if you wan yours up, just holler.
...Cyber Page this is where i put eberything about ma friends and family from Tokyo chat. *under construction*
...Me, Myself and I this is all about moi. dun go here, really i'm not very interesting...=P

This is an image from episode #158. It is when ParaPara does an age swich on Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon. If you ask me, Chibi Usa looks better as a kid!

Meaning of Senshi Names

Usagi TskuinoBunny on the Moon
Ami MizunoFriend of Water
Rei HinoSpirit of Fire
Makoto KinoWisdom of the woods
Minako AinoLove
Chibi-UsaSmall Rabbit

I just love these guys, don't you?

(The AmazonessQuartet!)

"NO! Me first, I want to get a free webpage!

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