Sailormoon Links

Information Links:

Doi-sama's Site.

THE place to go. It has episode summaries for all five seasons, plus information on quite a few other shoujo animes that I like.

Master J's Sailor Moon Super Page.

This has quite a lot of info on the NA series and the NA voice actresses, etc, for all those who are accustomed to the names "Serena" "Darien", etc.

Fanfiction Links:

A Sailormoon Romance.

Heaps upon heaps of fanfic's a dream come true, with new fics pouring in every week. The archives have been up for an extremely long time... since about 1995, if I remember right. They've lost a few members of the team (it's just Andrea Hui now, I think), but with their new domain, they're still going on strong.

Zorina-skye's place.

She's pretty cool. She's got lots of links if you want to go scouting around. And the added bonus is that her fanfics are superb.

Lady M. Harris's Fanfic Site.

I had some difficulty in deciding whether or not to keep this link. While Lady Harris's sexual romance fanfics are quite good, I've become increasingly unhappy with the commercialism she's brought to both her writing and her pages. I can't even find her fanfic on her pages anymore, though I do believe it's still there... somewhere. If you can't find her fanfic at her site, try A Sailormoon Romance.

©1998, 2000. All comments and suggestions appreciated.

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Page Version: 1.1
Last updated: May 2000