Hgeocities.com/Tokyo/Club/6501/CosmicFantasy/aud.htmlgeocities.com/Tokyo/Club/6501/CosmicFantasy/aud.htmlelayedxJ@ÉOKtext/html &b.HTue, 27 Jun 2000 18:25:14 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *J Audition
FAQ Story Audition Cast & Crew Downloads

~*Audition Lines*~

Please record all lines in 32,000 Hz, 8 bit Stereo. Name the files "Yourname_Character.wav". Also, pleaze zip the all the files. When you're finished, send the lines to Sweetlilangel29@yahoo.com. I'll start to cast once I have enough auditions for each of the characters. I'm casting by chapters, so there will be more characters introduced as the story goes on! Good luck, audition away!

Alanna of Trebond: TAKEN

Narrator: TAKEN

Mother Goddess: TAKEN

Sir Myles of Olau: TAKEN

Prince Jonathan: TAKEN

Raoul: "We came to see if you wanted to go down to the Dancing Dove with us and visit George"

Small Part. Same age as Prince Jonathan. Any male voice.

Gary: "Maybe he won't sit on our shoulders because he's afraid of heights."

Secondary Character. Same age as Jonathan and Raoul.

Alex: "Don't be such a ninny. Surely you ice-skated at Trebond."
"It's my pleasure."

Smallish Part. See above notes ^_^
Duke Roger of Cont: "I've just come from the kennels---perhaps he smells the dogs on me."

Secondary Character. An older man, not as old as Myles. Evillish tone to his voice.

Dain of Melor: "I am sure I can prove Tusaine's superiority of any man of you court"
"I've been killing mountain bandits since I was smaller than him.

Only appears in chapter two. A Tusaine knight. Arrogant and over-confident of himself. Probably a few years older than Prince Jonathan.

Ambassador Mikal: "Perhaps peace has dulled your fighting edge?"
"I fear this evening will have a sorrowful ending."

Smallish part. Only a few lines. Ambassador of Tusaine. A few years younger than Sir Myles.

King Roald: "Do honor to the laws of chivalry and to the customs of your lands."
"That 'child's trick' nearly worked."

Smallish part. More lines than Mikal. King of Tortall, Prince Jonathan's father. Around the same age as Sir Myles. I'll accept the same type of voice as Sir Myles. (May be played by the same person, but there has to be enough of a voice difference)

Faithful: "Let the foreigner be stupid."
"Don't get yourself killed!"

Small part in chapter two, but he's a secondary character in the rest of the book. He's a guardian cat that talks; think Artemis from Sailomoon. ^^

Extras: I need someone to giggle as if making fun.
"Foul! Foul!!"

I only need one person to do the giggle. I need at least 5 people to do the "foul!". Send me the audition, and you've got it.