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If you haven't read any of the books already, we suggest you do! They're filled with action, adventure, comedy, and romance. This page does not contain spoilers if you haven't read the book though. For our radio play, we're staring with the second book, In the Hand of The Goddess. We would've started with the first book, but most of the interesting stuff happens in the second book. ^^

Disguised as a boy, Alanna of Trebond becomes a squire---to none other than the prince of the realm. But Prince Jonathan is much more to Alanna; he is her ally, her best friend, and one of the few who knows that she's really a girl. Now it will take all of Alanna's awesome skill, strength, and growing magical powers to protect him from tthe mysterious evil sorcerer who is bent on his destruction---and hers!
Here continues the story of Alanna, a young woman bound for glory who is willing to fight against enormous odds for what she believes in.(taken from back cover of book ^-^)