Hgeocities.com/Tokyo/Club/6501/va/va.htmlgeocities.com/Tokyo/Club/6501/va/va.htmlelayedx J@ÉOKtext/html &b.HThu, 22 Jun 2000 19:03:35 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, * J VA (About Me)

Curious about me? Here's the place to find out all you want! (or just what I want to tell... ^_^) If you have any questions for me, e-mail me, alright? =)

VA Name: Princess Usagi (Short for Angel Princess Usagi)
Real Name: Krissel Ebro
Age: 12
Birthday: August 29, 2987
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Birthplace: Manila, Philippines
Hometown: San Diego, CA
ICQ #: 5180660
Favorite Color(s): Pastel Colors! Ya know, pink, light blue, light green, light purple...
Least Favorite Color(s): Umm... I don't like colors that look like someone's throw-up. (green mixed w/ brown mixed w/ beige, plus chunky stuff) ^^;
Favorite Food: Cheetos(yum!), Fried Chicken, Chocolate Cake, and Chocolate Ice Cream!
Least Favorite Food: Anything with beans in it.. yucky!
Favorite Anime: Oooh! Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon, Marmalade Boy, Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach, and Pokemon.
Favorite Anime Character: Ahh..Usagi/Sailor Moon, Suzu, Momoko, Hotaru/Sailor Saturn, and that Mouse-Monkey from Shoujo Kakumei Utena ^_^;;
Favorite Animal: Monkey!!
Favorite Actor: Ewan Mcgregor (Man, is he cute, or what? ^^;;;;)
Favorite Sport: Figure Skating! Yeah!!
Hobbies: Drawing, VAing, Going on the internet, Figure Skating, and watching TV!
Best Trait: Friendly and funny (oops, that's two!)
Worst Flaw: I'm a perfectionist (sorta) and I'm clumsy..(as in, I always drop the expensive stuff..>_<)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Darkish Brown
Anime Character Most Like(Personality): All my friends say I act exactly like Usagi. ^^;
Anime Character Most Like(Looks): Tomoe Hotaru, without bangs(my bangs are the same length as my hair). And w/ glasses ^^;;
Anime Character Most Like(Voice): A cross between Tomoe Hotaru and Kaioh Michiru..Weird how I can do Chibi-usa's voice, huh?
Voice Range: Lessee..Medium to High
Experience: Ermm..I don't go to drama class or voice lessons..I just do it for fun I guess..But lotsa people say I have a ton of potential..oh, does that count?(I don't think it does!!)
Favorite Character to VA: I really like VAing Usagi roles (Although I haven't got a role for her yet.. -_-;), but Chibi-usa is my specialty! I'm always willing to try something new though!

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This website was created & designed by Princess Usagi.