A Chinese Ghost Story
Shiu Sin
Lan Fu Ten Miles
Butterfly Red Beard
White Cloud
Solid Gold
Ghost Mom Casper
Original Story & Screenplay: Hark Tsu
Character Design: Frankie Chung
Character Animation Director: Tetsuya Endo
Music: Ricki Ho
Production Manager: Edia Tsui
Co-Producer: Bill Kong, Pui-ki Chan, and Raymond Fung
Executive Producers: Nansun Shi Meileen Choo, Charles Heung, and Tsuneo Leo Sato
Producer: Hark Tsu
Director: Andrew Chen
    The whole thing begins with a stormy ocean and a male voice calling out "Lan."  Suddenly, a giant appears from the ocean and tells the young man which the voice belongs to that he is not Lan.  It eventually turns into a giant eel, and chases after the man into the ocean and out.  A gold figure bubbles up from the ocean and turns into Lan; but she disappears.  The eel re-appears and opens its mouth to eat him from behind.  "Ahhhh.........."
    Ling wakes up from his nightmare breathing heavily.  He accidentally presses his hand on his dog, Solid Gold, and it squeals out in pain.  Ling looks around and realizes that he is just dreaming. 
    It is time for them to continue their journey once again.  They rest at a place and Ling talks about how hard he used to work in order to earn money so that he could be with Lan, his ex-girlfriend.  But now he's only working hard in order to forget about her.  He asks himself "Why?"  Solid Gold just listens while he eats his bowl of rice.
     Flashbacks of how Lan left him to marry someone else ran through Ling's mind.  Lan returned Solid Gold (a gift for Ling to Lan) to Ling and told him that she wanted love...not money.
He looks at a picture of Lan and sighs, saying he was a fool.  Solid Gold tries to make him feel better by immitating the way Lan looks, but instead...it scares Ling.  So he tells it to stop.  (Swallow's note: This part is really funny.)  They stop at an old abandoned temple for the night.
    A loud sound of lightning startles them.  Ling hugs Solid Gold and tells it not to be scared, but he is actually pretty scared himself.  A monk named, Ten Miles, jumps down from nowhere.  Solid faints when it sees him.  Ten Miles jumps up and flies towards them with a metal stick. 
     Suddenly, a whole bunch of Foul Smelling Ghosts (resembling eyeballs) float all over the place.  Ten Miles fights them while Ling and Solid Gold watch from a corner.  Some were trying to escape.  Ten Miles' master, White Cloud, stands from a distance with his eyes closed.  He tells Ten Miles to finish them off...so he decides to use his "Yin Yan Twist" and tries to strike them with his "Yin Yan Wink".  As a result of his powers, he destroys the temple and nearly smashes Ling and Solid Gold, who are in it.
     Ling mumbles to Solid Gold wondering if the two strangers know that they are there.  White Cloud answers "yes" that he saw them and opens his eyes to destroy the Foul Smelling Ghosts with his gleam.  The ghosts form into three skeletons and jump out at Ling, chasing and circling around him.
     Ten Miles eventually manages to chops off the skeleton's heads and they all fall apart and separate back into Foul Spelling Ghosts.  Ten Miles destroys almost all of them, but one gets away and chases after Ling and Solid Gold.  White Cloud gets the last ghost with his power, forming a giant smoky hand to smash it.  It diminishes into thin air immediately right after.
      Ling finds out that the two are Ghostbusters.  He quickly asks them where they are heading next so that he wouldn't go there...to avoid meeting anymore ghosts.  He is scared to death.  Ten Miles shows Ling a map of where he and his master are going to go. 
      Suddenly, White Cloud has a feeling that his rival, Red Beard, is coming their way...and Red Beard eventually flies by them. Ten Miles complains how Red Beard is always getting to the ghosts first, causing them to waste their time going to places just to find out that there are no more ghosts for them to bust.  White Cloud tells Ten Miles that it doesn't matter who busts the ghosts as long as they are all destroyed.
    At this...Ling tells White Cloud that he's going to change all of his bad ways.  White Cloud tells him that it a good thing that Ling knows his mistakes and is willing to change them.  He then leaps up into the sky right after he finishes talking.  Ling is so amazed and asked for his name. 
     Ten Miles tells Ling his master's name and asks Ling why he didn't ask for his name.  Since Ling didn't ask him, he decides to tell Ling anyways.  He tells Ling that he is White Cloud's student, nicknamed..."The Up Coming Tornado" but he tells Ling that he would feel self-conscious if he is called that.  Instead, he just wants Ling to call him a so-called name..."Ten Miles the Flying Dragon of the Omnipotent White Cloud Temple."  (Swallow's note: Wow...what a short name, huh?  Hee...hee...  This part is so funny.  I totally cracked up.)
      Ten Miles leaps into the sky after his master, and he tells Ling not to tell anyone about his name.  Ling looks at them leave and says that they are so humble and modest for not wanting to show off; since they gave themselves such a long name so that no one is going to remember it anyways.  (Swallow's note: Super funny.  Ha...ha....) 
       The sun set...Ling and Solid Gold still can't find the city that they are looking for.
     Suddenly, the city appears out of nowhere...around them.  It is so beautiful...filled with colorful lights.  Ling finds the store he is looking for, so he goes inside.
     A strange looking man from behind the counter asks Ling if he needed any help.  Ling tells him that he is here to collect a debt from them for his boss.  The man immediately hands him a big piece of gold with no questions asked. 
       The man's wife comes out from inside and tells him that she could loosen up his bones for him now.  The man excuses himself and goes back inside to his wife...telling Ling that he could take anything from the store for free.  The man takes off his head along with his clothes to reveal a skeleton underneath.  (Swallow's note:  Yikes!!!  How scary...)  His wife proceeds to loosen up his bones.  He asks her to use a little more strength to loosen him harder.  Unfortunately, his wife overdoes it, and he breaks into many pieces.
        Ling walks out of the store complaining that the big piece of gold is too heavy for him to carry.  He also wonders why no one wanted to do his job, thinking that it is so easy to do; since he had no problem getting the money.
        As Ling and Solid Gold are walking...Solid Gold notices that something strange is happening.  There are people flying everywhere.  Ling looks up and sees a girl in a carriage floating right over him; she is singing.  Ling is captured by her beauty and chases after her carriage asking for her name.  Ling doesn't notice that they are all ghosts flying around, but Solid Gold sees them and is scared to death. 
        Still in a trance from seeing the beautiful girl, Ling then gets onto a carriage himself along with Solid Gold.  The carriage flies across the sky and drops them off at a restaurant because he tells them that he is hungry.  Ling panics when he finally wakes from his trance and notices that there are ghosts flying around them.  In fact, this whole city is filled with ghosts.  They sit down at a table and notice that there are ghosts sitting at other tables eating mud and eyeballs.  Ling decides to put some red paint on his and Solid Gold's faces so that they would look dead and blend in with other ghosts.  The ghosts in the restaurant see how ugly they are and start complaining about them not knowing how to died beautifully.  The waiter comes over and shows Ling the menu with a list of their restaurant's specialties.  The list consists of stinky fingers, diced tongues, human flesh buns...  (Swallow's note:  Yikes!!!)
         Shocked by the menu, Ling shouts out "You can eat this stuff?"
         The waiter immediately becomes angry saying that Ling is making their restaurant look bad.  "Of course our food is edible.  We are one of the best in this city."
         Ling quickly orders a bowl of plain noodle just to make the waiter happy.  He then notices that the beautiful girl, whom he saw earlier, is sitting near them.  She is discussing about something to a talking Flame.  The girl flies around Ling and flirts with him...telling him that her name is Shiu Sin.  She informs him that the food in this restaurant is not right for him, and she invites him to her place so that she could cook him something better.
         Ling's heart begins to pound loudly with admiration, and the ghosts around him hear it.  They realize that he is not dead yet.  Ling starts sweating and the red paint runs off his face.  Shiu Sin tells Flame to sprinkle pepper all around so that the ghosts would sneeze and fall apart.  She grabs them and leaves before the whole restaurant blows up from their sneezes.
         Shiu Sin asks Ling to come and stay here with her.  He agrees and she leans over with her two sharp teeth about to kiss and suck the spirit (life) out of him.  A ring from her grave sign (like a cellular phone) interrupts her, so she answers it.  It is Butterfly telling her that Ghost Mom is waiting for her to bring back a spirit of a person for her to consume to stay young. 
         Suddenly, everything shakes.  It is Red Beard singing and using his powers to destroy the ghosts in the city.  He chases after Shiu Sin and Ling quickly runs after her also.  Shiu Sin is hit by one of his shock and falls from high above.  Ling manages to catch her by one hand while trying not to fall himself.  Shiu Sin tells Ling to let go or they will both fall, but he doesn't listen.  He tells her that he is going to hold on to her even if she is a ghost.  Red Beard sees Ling and knows that he isn't a ghost.  Ling begs Red Beard to let Shiu Sin go, since she is his friend...telling him that she saved his life earlier. 
          Now...Ling has fallen himself and is desperately trying to hold both of them up with only one hand on the rail.  A 500-year-old trunk demon (Ghost Mom's real form) appears from the ground and surrounds them.  It attacks and wraps around Red Beard's body.  Ling and Shiu Sin eventually fall but luckily lands on a Staircase Boogie.  Red Beard cuts Ghost Mom apart and she releases him.  He then uses his powers to create a bunch of scissors to cut away all of her trunks and she shrinks away.  Solid Gold runs after the Staircase Boogie and jumps in.
          The Staircase Boogie sees a charging train and chasses after it...taking Ling, Shiu Sin, and Solid Gold with it.  It is a train that takes ghosts to be reincarnated/reborn.  Ling, Shiu Sin, and Solid Gold jump off and land in the train, but the Staircase Boogie tries to jump in too and misses.  It falls down to infinity.
        On the train, Shiu Sin explains why she has never wanted to take this train...saying that she doesn't want to reincarnate.  She is waiting for her boyfriend, Casper.  Ling wonders why Shiu Sin is telling him all this since they have only met.  She tells him that he is no match for her boyfriend...saying that he is a Superstar of the Ghost World and an idol to most.  Ling asks her if she sees him often.  She says she doesn't see him much.  She has only seen him twice in the two years that she is here, and she doesn't seem to mind.  Ling starts complaining..."Why Lan never treated him the way Shiu Sin treats her boyfriend?"
         Butterfly flies over and laids down on the top of the train.
      Butterfly snatches Ling before he could jump and attempts to take him to Ghost Mom...while shocking him with her shockwave eyes.  Ling struggles to get free.
      Shiu Sin shocks Butterfly, so Butterfly releases Ling.  Solid Gold jumps off from the train at this time.  Shiu Sin quickly flies after the falling Ling and catches him.  Solid Gold lands on Ling's chest moments after.  Butterfly flies after them telling Shiu Sin that Ling is doomed no matter what, since he agrees to go to Ghost Mom with them.  Butterfly shocks them and all of them fall from the sky.  The sun is starting to rise...Butterfly promptly flies away to avoid it.  (Swallow's note: Chinese ghosts are afraid of sunlight because they will burn and vanish if it shines on them.)
      Ling is hanging on the tree by his strap on the backpack.  He wakes up wondering where he is and realizes that he is hanging very high above on a tree.  He sees a shadow and is happy...thinking that it is Shiu Sin.  He is very disappointed when he discovers tht it was only his dog, Solid Gold.  The branch that he is hanging on breaks as a result of his wiggling and he falls to the ground.  He rolls down the hill and on to Shiu Sin.  Ling is surprised that she is still alive and wonders what happens if sunlight shines on her. 
       A ray of sunlight hits her and burns her.  She immediately grabs hold of Ling to block her away from the sun.  She asks him to block her or else she will turn to ashes if the sunlight hits her.  The sun begins to rise up higher directly over them.  Ling sees a lake in front of them and suggested that they slowly crawl over to it.  Shiu Sin complains about the hot ground.
        Shiu Sin quickly jumps into the lake when they reach it.
       Ling sticks his head into the water to talk (in the water) to her...seeing if she feels better.  He almost forgets that he needs air until he starts choking, so he quickly goes back up to take a deep breath.  Shiu Sin suggests that he brings an umbrella so that she could stay in it during the day; so he could still travel during the day with her.  He sticks his head back into the water bringing an umbrella with him this time.   He opens the umbrella and places it on top of the water, so she could hide in it.
        Ling takes the umbrella and heads for Shiu Sin's boyfriend's place.  He walks slowly and sees a large red barrel and realizes that Red Beard is here.  He quickly runs away, but Red Beard catches up with him.  Red Beard takes his umbrella and wants to open it, but Ling begs him not to saying that Shiu Sin is inside it.
        Suddenly, Red Beard realizes that Solid Gold is pissing on his right foot, so he throws out his giant tongue to lick Solid Gold.  The dog gets scared and hides into Ling's backpack.  Red Beard decides to let them go, since he thinks that it is nice of Ling to be such a good friend to Shiu Sin.  He tells Ling that he really cherishes friendship himself but warns Ling that ghosts like to trick humans and tells him not to get tricked.
        From nowhere, Ten Miles and White Cloud come running towards them, so Red Beard takes Ling away on his red barrel.  Red Beard complains to Ling about White Cloud always following after him.  (Swallow's note: This is very true.  White Clouds does seem to be following him.  Very irritating...don't you think?)  White Cloud attacks them and Red Beard manages to escape him but eventually his barrel loses control and begins to fall.  All of them hold on tightly, while White Cloud still chases after them. 
        "I want to throw up!" Ling complains.
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