Nancy's Artworks...
by Nancy W.

Everything on this page belongs to my friend, Nancy (a.k.a. Fluffipuff a.k.a. Big Red a.k.a Washu/Genius a.k.a. Miky).  As you can see...I named this website "Fluffipuff" after her.  Nancy and I have been pals for at least ten years, and we've been through thick and thin just like sisters.  I would like to dedicate this page to her as a display case of her great talent.  I hope you will enjoy her artworks as much as I do. 

Please don't take, use, or misuse anything from this page.  Thank you...
Acrylics on Canvas
Both of these wonderful paintings are done with Acrylics on Canvas Boards.
I am also known as Tiff a.k.a. Furripuff a.k.a. Cool Blue a.k.a. Kiyone/Galaxy Police Officer a.k.a. Swallow to my close friends and family.  You may wonder how I actually look like in person, huh?  Well...I describe myself as looking pretty much like a panda.  This is the reason why I really love pandas.  This panda drawing, to the left, was done by Nancy as a gift to me.  I love it so much...I've decided to share it with you.
Like what you're seeing?  Do you want to see more?  Well...just click on the "Links" button to visit Nancy at her own webpage.
If you're a cat lover, this is the website for you.  It's filled with info, stories, and of course...CATS, CATS, CATS!!!
Fan Art