<BGSOUND SRC="myonlylove.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
    Sailormoon is a story of a group of girls fighting against the evil Negaverse.  Even though Serena (Sailormoon) could be an airhead, she always manages to win the fight against evil enemies with the help of her fellow Sailor Scouts, along with her main squeeze, Tuxedo Mask.  They face many different evil enemies such as ...; but they always pulls through to save the world.  Not only does Sailormoon grow as a person, her friendship with the other Sailor Scouts also grow.  She finds out that Darien (Tuxedo Mask) will become her future husband  and the little girl, Chibimoon, who has cost them all so much trouble, will be their future daughter.  If you enjoy fun, excitement, and romance; this is definitely your show. 

Short Summary by: Swallow
Cartoon Corner