Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They belong to
the wonderful Romiko Takahashi and her licensees (Viz
Communications in North America). This work is strictly for
the non-profit enjoyment of fans. No copyright infringement
is intended.

Comments: This is a draft! So be kind in your comments. 
Also please note that this is supposed to be a script for a
radio show (I don't know why, it just turned out that way).

Married Too  (a Ranma1/2 FanFic)
Episode 2: Join the Club
Draft 1998-06-24

[Opening Scene, Ranma is leading his father and Mr. Tendo
through the streets late at night. Both men are drunk: Sound
of echoing, uneven footsteps from the three].

RANMA:	Geez. I thought this was supposed to be a *little*

GEMNA:	(slurred) You had a good time boy, admit it!

RANMA:	Yeah, like watching you two drink like fish was a lot
of fun.

GEMNA:	(slyly) How about that club we went to, you liked
*that* didn't you?

RANMA:	Umm...

GEMNA:	(laughing) You should'a seen the look on your face
when Mi-mi came to wait on our table!

RANMA:	Hey! Give me a break! I didn't know there were
topless clubs around here. As for Mi-mi...

SOUN:	(seriously drunk) Oh Mi-mi-chan, your so kind to a
lonely old man.

RANMA:	Hey pop, what's with 'Lover boy' here and Mi-mi?

GEMNA:	Soun saved her from some thugs about five years ago.
Since then she's been calling him 'Lover-boy' and flirting
with him whenever he shows up.

RANMA:	And how often is that? Why'd they know your names as
soon as you walked in?

[Muted sound of a splash of water]

GEMNA:	Growf.

RANMA:	Hey, where did you find water?  Stupid old man.

[A few moments of walking noise, this time including the
"clack clack" of Panda claws.]

[A police officer walks up to the group]

OFFICER:	Excuse me?

RANMA:	Yes officer?

OFFICER:	Just what's going on here... Say is that Soun

RANMA:	Err... yeah.

OFFICER:	I should have known, who else walks around with a
Panda. Boy he's really out of it tonight, what's the

RANMA:	It's sort of a bachelor party.

OFFICER:	So! The old man finally got the guts to ask Mi-mi
to marry him? Wait 'til I tell the rest of the guys at the
station!  (quieter) I wonder who won the pool?

RANMA:	Umm...

OFFICER:	Let me give you a hand with 'Lover-boy' there, you
deal with his panda.

RANMA:	Actually, the panda belongs to... my mother.

OFFICER:	Say, who are you anyway?

RANMA:	Ranma Saotome. I...uhh... I'm going to be Mr. Tendo's

OFFICER:	So that's how he got his nerve up! Planning a
double wedding with one of his daughters. Soun always was
the romantic type.

RANMA:	(aloud) Well, you see.... (thinking) Hey, this is a
perfect chance to get him back for this whole fiancee thing.
(aloud) ...your right. We're planning a small ceremony
tomorrow, but I'm afraid Mr. Tendo was so nervous that he
didn't explain himself well. I hope Mi-mi understands that
the ceremony is tomorrow.

OFFICER:	Hmm. Maybe I better go make sure she knows. Can you
handle these two?

RANMA:	No problem!

OFFICER:	Oh, what time is the ceremony?

RANMA:	Two o'clock I think. Heck, I'm just the groom, they
don't tell me nothin.

OFFICER:	(laughing) The same thing happened at my wedding.
Good luck to both of you!

[Officer walks off: Sound of steps fading out]

SOUN:	(slurred) Good luck for what?

RANMA:	In your marriage to Mi-mi tomorrow.

SOUN:	(crying) Oh, Mi-Mi-chan, we will finally be together.

RANMA:	(quietly) Oops, maybe I over did it. Oh well, pop
will explain the joke to him in the morning.

[=== BREAK: Put commercial here ===]

[Scene start. Fade into sound of hubbub in the background
(female voices only)]

[Ranma is drinking tea at the table: sound of cup and saucer
clinking and sipping noises]

RANMA:	Man, I can't believe they're up and running around
this early. The ceremony isn't until two. (groans) And I
can't believe I'm getting married today! Well, I guess
technically I've been married since midnight.

[Phone rings]

KASUMI: 	(loudly but from a distance) Ranma! Can you get
that? I'm busy and Daddy's still in bed.

RANMA:	(loudly) Okay!

[sound of Ranma moving to phone, additional rings]

RANMA:	Hello.

MIKO:	(phone) This is Miko Yamada. Could I speak to
Kasumi... (voice cracks) No, wait I...

RANMA:	Is something wrong?

MIKO:	(phone) I... I... (quite sob) A-Are you the boy who
was with Mr. Tendo last night?

RANMA:	(confused) Yes. I'm Ranma Saotome.

MIKO:	(phone) I'm not sure how to ask this, but Soun said
something to me last night when he came to the club...

RANMA:	*Oh*  Your 'Mi-Mi' our waitress from last night.

MIKO:	(phone) Yes, Mi-Mi is the name I use at the club.

RANMA:	So, what did Mr. Tendo say last night?

MIKO:	(phone) Don't you remember? It was when I first came
to the table.

RANMA:	(aloud) Lets see... (thinking) He said something that
sounded like it came from Kuno... (aloud) Something about
being glad to see you and wishing you'd end his loneliness
forever.... (thinking) Wow! He *did* ask her to marry him,
more or less anyway.

MIKO:	(phone) Yes! That was it. At first I thought he was
just flirting with me, but then he was going on about
marriage all night. Then Officer Tanaka came by and said...
(voice breaks off with a sob).

RANMA:	Hey, you okay?

MIKO:	(phone) (slightly desperate) I don't know what to
think! Has he really, finally decided to marry me? Or is it
some kind of misunderstanding? (more sobbing)

RANMA:	Miss Yamada, I'll go talk to him. Why don't you give
me your phone number and I'll call you back as soon as I

MIKO:	(phone) (moments pause) (small voice) I don't have a
phone in my apartment, this is a pay phone.

RANMA:	Okay, give me your address and I'll bring him over

MIKO:	(phone) (small voice) All right, but... I don't really
want him to see how I have to live.

RANMA:	(mildly exasperated) Right. How about I bring over a

MIKO:	(phone) Thank you so much Mr. Saotome. Here's my

[Scene transition. Miko's voice fades out, sound of hubbub
(female voices only) fades in]

RANMA:	Kasumi?

KASUMI:	(abrupt) I'm rather busy Ranma, can it wait?

RANMA:	It's important. Do you know a Miko Yamada?

KASUMI:	Why yes, she's a good friend of fathers. I meet her
for tea every now and then.

RANMA:	Do you know of any... romantic relations between

KASUMI:	Well, I think Miss Yamada is interested in father,
but I don't know about the other way around. Why do you ask?

RANMA:	It's pretty complicated, but Miss Yamada thinks your
dad proposed to her last night, and I'm beginning to think
he really did.

KASUMI:	Why that's wonderful!

RANMA:	Umm, well, I said something that made her think that
we were having a double ceremony today...

KASUMI:	Oh my.

RANMA:	Yeah. Anyway, I'm going to talk to your dad and see
what he wants to do.

KASUMI:	Please let me know what's going on.

RANMA:	Sure Kasumi.

[Hubbub fades out. Sound of Ranma walking down
wooden-floored hallway.]

RANMA:	(to himself) Well, I gotta get married today. But at
least if I'm going down, I wont be going alone.

[Sound of door opening]

RANMA:	Hey! Mr. Tendo! Gotta talk to you.

SOUN:	(sleepy) Ungle.

RANMA:	(amused) It's about *your* marriage today.

SOUN:	(still sleepy) Huh?

RANMA:	(amused) Don't you remember proposing to Mi-mi last

SOUN:	(less sleepy) Huh?

RANMA:	(seriously) Look, Mr. Tendo, You said something to
her last night that sounded like a proposal to me. And
then... well I said something that made her think you wanted
a double ceremony with Akane, and... (thinking) Oh, god, I
*still* can't believe I'm getting married to Akane today.

SOUN:	(sadly) (completely awake) It doesn't really matter

RANMA:	Why not?

SOUN:	Why would a beautiful young woman like that be
interested in a broken down old man like me?

RANMA:	Actually, I have no idea. But she sure sounded like
she wanted to marry you.

SOUN:	She did?

RANMA:	Yeah, she called a few minutes ago, and...

[Scene transition. Fade out on Ranma's voice, fade in on
hubbub (female voices only)]

RANMA:	Kasumi?


RANMA:	I have to go out to talk to Miss Yamada.

KASUMI:	(excited) Oh! What did father say?

[Ranma waves envelope around: Sound of paper moving]

RANMA:	He wrote this note, I don't know what it says, but he
told me to escort her here if she wants to come.

KASUMI:	Oh my, I'd better find another wedding kimono

RANMA:	You know her size?

KASUMI:	Well, she's a little shorter than me but *much*
better built.

RANMA:	That's her. I better hurry.

KASUMI:	Please do Ranma, the ceremony is in four hours.
Akane would be *very* unhappy if you missed it.

[=== END EPISODE 2 ===]

C&C *very* welcome, flames ignored. Please send comments to 
twrensch@geocities.com. My completed stories and relatively
complete drafts are posted at

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