Hi there, My name is Annie.... I was about to move in this house...I really don't know what cause me to make this page? but I do it anywaz ........so.. If there is a mess? forgive me and let me know so I will fix it. Anywaz!!! Thank you for visiting and come back again..

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P R O F I L E :
My original name: Annie Le
DOB: Aries..
Birth place: BMT, Vietnam
Nationality: Vietnamese
Religion: Buddha
Occupation:nail tech
Car driving: toyota Scion TC
Height: Very short
Weight: everage
Major: Social Work
School Attended: State University of Sacramento
Education: undergradauted
Resident: California, Oakland
Family: Mom ,Dad, brother and me
Favorite color: Red, Blue and grey
Most Fear: Dentist..Open wider..Haaa..Haa
Favorite food: Anything that consider as food...
Dislike: Concieted, dishonesty, and liar ....
Hobbies: hang out with friend,
Most of thing to remenber: When I left Vietnam
Place Love to visit: Ho^ng` Ko^ng, and Vietnam
Favorite Actress: Du*ong Cung nhu* vai (Mai Giang'Tuye^t'),
Le^Tu*,O^n Bich'Ha`,Chu Nha^n, Lu*o*ng Tie^u? Ba(ng)and so many more...
Favorite Actor: Tu*'Dai.Thie^n Vu*o*ng, Ma~ Canh? Dao`
Favorite Female Singer: Ma Nu*~Da Tinh`, Hoang`Lan, My~ Huye^n`, Za Za Minh Thao? Khanh' Ha`
Favorite Male Singer: La^m Nha^t. Tie^n', Tra^n`Huy Cu*o*ng`, Tommy Ngo^, Le^ Ta^m...
Favotite Song: Xa Anh Ky? Nie^m., Va(ng'Anh Cua? (Trizzie Phu*o*ng Trinh)
Leisure: Watch H.K Movie, club, and internet.........
Fall in Love: When I was 10...Haahaa.. Isn't too early..???
Favorite Pet: Puppy, Kitty, and Rabbit
I think that is all about me ...and to know me is to Love me...
Special Thanks to:
*My MomMy and DaDdy who brought me in this world and I had a chance to live in a lovely earth.Thank you for everything you done it for me...Wish you live longer .....Mom...Meo Meo...
*My brother who always support me me no matter what? Haaa....ha....
*(Cindi)Trang Da(ng. who help me out alots when I was in trouble and thank you for being there when I need....Hummmm.....
*(Lynda))My~ Linh who be there for while... thank you for understand me and my situation...I miss ya.....Sis....
*Linh Doan` for being my best friend last year and thank for everything you had done for me and my family especially for me... I'm very approciate... Alots GiRL...
*Nga^n Tra^n` (Bi) who help me out in many ways....Hey!!! What sup Girl..!!!
*(Lilian)Hiep Pham who used to be my closed friend for almost two years... and thank you for being part of my life....and being my frenz I enjoy to be your friend's....Shhhhhhhhhh.......I miss you alots Hiep....Nice to see you.....Babe..K.I.T..Please!!
*(Jenny)Trang Nguye^n~ let me be your friends.... Nice to meet you this year and I have alots of fun being with you...Good luck with School and Life Okay...???...Yeah...Miss you too...
*Brother Minh Da(ng. who encourage me to open this page...and also created this Homepage...Thank alots...Qua' Shrang:-))
*Rob Chamroeun for being my closed friend this summer...What sup Gold Digger.???..Haaa....Ha....
*Finally special thank to Erik .....who scan my Pix..

Updated 11/11/2007

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