Alrighty... This will be interesting. My knowledge of Mamoru Kusanagi is --- how to put it--- limited. I wasn't going to let that stop me of course- I'm still going to make this shrine- and it's going to be a GOOD ONE! I've made a full circle of the Blue Seed Web ring in order to find the coolest pictures- and I'd like to thank Anime Forest for their Kusanagi pictures! They were nice enough to let everyone borrow them- and they also had a lot of pictures that nobody else did- so to anime forest, Arigato!!! However- while my picture needs seem to be well taken care of (for now) I'm still looking for some midi's or mp3's. If anyone has a good MP3 or midi that they wouldn't mind me using on this page (Blue Seed related would be appreciated) I WOULD REALLY be grateful. For some idiotic reason- Blue Seed isn't nearly as popular as it should be. So it's REALLY hard to find stuff. But all that aside- let's get down to bussiness.

It's hard to give you hard data on Kusanagi. Unlike Mamoru Chiba- you don't ever hear his birthday- or his exact age, and as far as blood type goes---- it's green. His hair color is a little iffy. Sometimes it looks green- sometimes brown. I've heard both versions out there. So- what makes this man of mystery so important that he has to have a shrine (or two or three)? Well- let's take a look past the numbers and dates, and take a look at Kusanagi himself. (do I sound like a documentary or WHAT?)

When he was an infant- Kusanagi's mother (presumably) was killed by some big bad aragami- whose name I fail to remember just now. This aragami gave him seven mitamas and told him to grow strong- so that he might protect the Kushinada from those who would kill her in order to destroy the aragami. Now I'm almost certain that breaks every child labor law in the book- but who am I to complain? Annnnnyways. After that point (well, probably not IMMEDIATELY after) Kusanagi watched over Kaede Kushinada, and later, her sister Momiji.

Music etc.

Top Ten Reasons why Kusanagi is Cool

Kusanagi Pics

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