Hey all!  Welcome to Lita's Lounge (http://zlap.to/litaslounge) My name is Lita some of you may know me as Makoto but I think I'm going to use my DIC name because it's easier to spell!  On this page I am your thrilled and very humble guide.  I will give you information about myself as well as pictures all of which I look wonderful in!  Ha, ha , very funny I know.  I will also be giving you some info about the other scouts as they deserve some credit for the Sailor Senshi being as popular and successful as we are!
::Serena storms in::  "What do you mean we deserve SOME credit??  I AM THE LEADER OF THE SAILOR SENSHI!!!!!!  I DESERVE ALLL THE CREDIT!!!!!!!!!!"
::Lita looks uncomfortable::  Um, well Serena, I was just joking around, you see I know you and the rest of the Senshi deserve credit, we couldn't have defeated all the villains we did without the combined efforts…
::Cuts Lita off:: "Forget the other Senshi!  This should be my page, I'm the only one who goes through the heartaches here!  Do you know how many times my boyfriend has died trying to protect us??  Do you know how many times I've died???  From now on this is my page!!!!!"  ::Attempts to take over the lounge but Lita puts her in her place (a chair where she is tied up and gagged)::
Now where were we?  Ah, yes, well now let me give a brief intro to the story of our lives…
::Gets kind of misty eyed::
Once, long, long, ago, there was a beautiful kingdom on the moon, the people there were very happy and were ruled by Queen Serenity and her daughter, Princess Serenity, or Serena. 
Now this was a time of peace and tranquillity, we, Rei, Ami, Mina, and I (plus the outer scouts) were the princess' court, we all had our own kingdoms on our respective planets (Mars, Mercury, Venus, and of course Jupiter) One day, during a grand party, an evil force came to destroy our worlds, this was called the Negaverse, led by Queen Beryl.  They came and fought with avengence, even combining all of our powers we could not defeat them, but Queen Serenity used the last of her power and her Imperium Silver Crystal and Moon Wand to send Princess Serenity, her court, and her two feline advisors to the future. 
When we arrived we were all born to normal families with no recollection of our former selves at first.  Then we all met and Luna told us about the moon kingdom and who we were, so we formed the Sailor Senshi.
::Comes back to the present::
Well to make a long story short we've been through a lot together and well, we kind of became the best of friends.  It's been fun and I wouldn't change it for the world!
That's all, now explore the site and have a blast!
Here's the links!!
PS Click the little Lita in the upper left corner to come to the home page

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