Anime Heresy


Holy shit on a stick some people actually came here. Well I guess this is my first update...too bad I don't have any new pics. Since some people actually did take an interest in this I might actually work on it some. First off gotta give props to my man Poe who linked this site on his amazing webcomic (, if it wasn't for him this site would just be what I used so I didn't have to keep sending my friends the pics. Aiight well then let's see what other shitty little features Pagebuilder has for me to put on my site....Oh yeah, changed the text colour. Peace.

The Pics

Blade of the Immortal Product Endorsement

Manji endorses milk!

Manji endorses Boost!

Fun with Pokemon!

Psyduck's sleepy eyes of death attack...long story...just smile and nod.

Oh poor poor crack addict pikachu.....

Ranma 1/2 - Pokemon Crossover...

Princess Monoke - Pokemon Crossover...

So as you can see I have next to no webskills, I mean look at those thumbnails, they are horrible...So do you have a place where my pics would be better suited? Do you want me to make them for your site *heh yeah like anyone would want these besides my friends*. Or if you just feel the need to compliment me and donate money drop me a line at or on icq at #43864545

You are the

person who ended up here by mistake