Quest For Glory V
Dragon Fire
TIP: when creating a thief, use the bonus points on Throwing, Stealth, and Lock Picking. You learn swimming from another source.
DAY ONE. You arrive in a Magic Gazebo on Nob Hill. If a clock/compass is not showing at the upper-right, hit your keyboard T. Go screen left past an arena and two mansions. Click the gate where the 2 guards are and you enter the Hall of Kings. Cross the floor to be greeted by Logos and Rakeesh. When Logos is done talking, talk to him and scroll all choices to choose each one so you don't miss anything, particularly the one to agree to enter the Rites of Rulership.
Also talk to Rakeesh on all topics. Finally, exit the Hall. Go screen right past the arena to a sunning rock and click on Rakeesh. He gives you a Magic Grapnel. Talk to Rakeesh on all choices; be sure to scroll the listing. Go screen left to bulletin board and click it for a closeup. Click each notice and click its sub headings. Bulletin boards should be checked often.
Go through the covered bridge to the west market area. The building with winged lions is the Bank. Go inside. Talk to banker Sam on all choices, then click Done. Click Sam again and Click "Make a Transaction." Withdraw 100 drachmas, then exit the Bank. Go screen right across the small arched footbridge to the east market area. At the food cart, talk to Marrak on all choices. Click him again and click "Buy things." Buy about 20 fruits.
NOTE: when you buy something, it's drawn on your Bank account. Just to screen right, go through the small arch to the Dock area. At the weapon shop, talk to Pholus the working weaponsmith on all choices. Click him again to make a purchase, and offer him 16 drachmas for a dagger. Go slightly screen right to the open area. Double click your dagger, choose drop, hit I while it's still in the air. You still have it in inventory. Double click it and choose drop.
Pick up 2 daggers! Double click the daggers, run them up to 2, click drop, hit I while they're in the air, double click them again, click drop and pick up two bunches of 2 daggers. Now you have 4 daggers. Repeat the process and end up with 8 daggers. That's enough for the time being. The next building at screen right is the Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School. Enter and talk to the man on all choices.
Click the stack of books at the screen right foreground. Click "Borrow a Swim Manual" to get a Handbook of Swimming. Double click it and choose "Read the Manual." Hit your keyboard C to verify that you just gained 100 experience points for swimming. Exit and pick up several bunches of rocks straight down from the building.
Don't throw at anybody, but practice throwing till 5 p.m. when the Dead Parrot Inn opens. Just left of the weapon shop, enter the Dead Parrot. Talk to the one armed seaman at the table on all choices. Click Arestes again and "Show the Thief Sign." He says it's under the bridge and to watch out for traps. You've just gained Intelligence points. Talk to the bartender, Budar, on all choices. Click her again, choose "Buy a Drink". Purchase an ale (second item) and keep it. Be sure to leave 100 drachmas in inventory to join the Thieves Guild later. Talk to Nawar the dancer on all choices. Continue screen right and up upstairs. Just to the right, give the ale to the dark cloaked man sitting at a table. Talk to him on all choices. Click him again and show the thief sign. He says Don't forget to Knock. That doesn't sound right, a good thief should always Examine doors and such. You've gained more intelligence points. Go downstairs.
Near the front door, go screen left up some short stairs. Talk to Ferrari the fat man on all choices. Click him again and show the thief sign. Talk to Ugarte on all choices. Click him again and show thief sign. Exit the Inn and go screen left through the large arch and across the bridge at the Adventurers Guild. Go down under the bridge. If its not 6 p.m. yet, just wait.
SAVE GAME! Click the base of the bridge support and choose "Examine the Hidden Door." Then choose "Disarm the Trap."
TIP: with the Greek figures showing, press your keyboard Print Screen key, then Alt Tab to the desktop. Open the windows paint in the accessories and paste your capture. Print the picture and Alt Tab back to the game.
Get 3 correct before time runs out and automatically enter the Thieves Guild. Talk to Arestes, behind the counter, on all choices. Click him again and choose "Join the Guild." Click him again to make purchases. Offer 13 for a torch, and 91 for a pickpocket knife. Click the knife on the dummy repeatedly till you're told to return later.
Exit the guild. Press your keyboard K to sneak and increase your stealth. Sneak uphill through the arch to the west market area. Sneak right to the Bank and up the winding steps to Nob Hill. Sneak screen right to the right-hand mansion with dark windows. After 8 p.m., click the door and choose "Pick the lock" (several times if necessary to open the door.) SAVE GAME!
In inventory, click the torch once. Drag your tinderbox onto the large picture of the torch to light it. Select the torch and click it on yourself to equip it. While sneaking, take the white amphora from the table, search the couch for a gold ring, search the small chest on the screen right wall for some drachmas. Behind a painting near the chest is a safe.
Click the save and create another drawing. Disarm the trap and get jewelry and drachmas. Cross the floor to the high cabinet. Equip with the dagger and use it on the cabinet to get another dagger. Exit the mansion. If it's well before 11 p.m., sneak back down to the market, sneak screen left back across Guild bridge, and screen left to a gate at the guard tower.
Exit the gate to a bull's-eye target. Get to the right a few paces, click your daggers, aim the sights at the target and click. Throw all daggers at the target, then click a part of the target where there's no dagger. You get a closeup to see how you've done. Retrieve the daggers and throw some more. Don't let your Stamina get too low. Around 11 p.m., go back through the gate. Go screen left and enter the Land Inn. Talk to Ann on all choices. Start up the stairs and Ann gives you a key. Go up the stairs and pick the lock of the first door. Click the bed and "Steal the Sheet." Again click the bed and "Sleep till Morning."
DAY TWO. Go downstairs and have breakfast. Exit and go screen right and across nearby bridge. Enter the Guild. Click on the logbook by the door and choose "Read." Click read several times to get all of it. Exit closeup, then click book again and "Sign the Logbook." Get a closeup of the bulletin board, click each posting and click its subheading.
By the fireplace, talk to Toro on all choices. Just for laughs, click a few of the trophies around the walls. Exit and continue screen right to the Dock. Andre the fisherman is at the boat each day before 12 noon. Talk to him on all choices. At the weapon shop, offer 40 for a throwing spear. Just to the right, get a few more rocks. Continue right and through the gate.
Go screen left to the windmill. Pull the lever under the mill to start it. Force the lever on the blue control box and it breaks. Use your spear on the control box. Pull the spear/lever to start a gondola in your direction. Just as it appears from behind the building, quickly pull the lever to stop it. Jump in the gondola and throw a rock at the lever to start the gondola.
At Science Island, jump out. Click the green display between the big wheel and the round platform. Take a test and answer in the following order: 2. to discover..., D. all above...., 3. a diploma...., D. all above...., 1. without science.... Go through the gap at the bottom of the wheel. Go screen right and talk to Dr. Pretorius. His favorites are anchovies and artichokes.
Go back across the room and examine the pizza chart. Click the monitor to the left and take another test: 2. a member of the Narcissus genus, C. the branch of science...., 4. an arc of 90 degrees, D. none of the above, 1. a cephalopod mollusk. You get a secret password. Write it down. Exit and ride the gondola back to the pier. Go through the gate to the Dock, then up the balcony of the Dead Parrot and on up through small arch to the east market area.
Talk to Marrak and offer 4 drachmas as the base price for a couple of gyros. Offer 8 for an artichoke pizza. Enter the magic shop with an eye over the entrance. Walk screen left between a drum and the platform. Talk to Shakra, son of Rakeesh. Offer him 80 for a magnet (actually it's two.) Exit, go screen right and enter the apothecary.
Talk to the woman sitting (Julanar) on all choices. When you say goodbye, she heals you if you're injured. Talk to Salim. Buy 10 or 15 healing pills. Try to buy stamina and learn Salim needs Pegasus feathers. Exit and go screen left across small arched bridge. Continue left to next stand and talk to Sarra, Marrak's wife. A bit to the left, talk to Wolfie at his stand.
You learn that thieves are searching for an ebony raven. Offer 18 as the base price for 5 or 6 amphora. Offer 45 for a map. If it's still before 5 p.m., practice using your pickpocket knife on people. Go all the way screen right and through small arch to the Dock. Enter the Dead Parrot after 5 p.m. Talk to the bartender. If stamina is low, buy some Greek coffee to drink for a boost. Talk to the dancer Nawar and flirt with her when the choice comes up. Go screen left and up the short screen left stairs. Talk to Ugarte. Exit, go screen left through the big arch and cross the bridge. Go under the bridge and enter the Thieves Guild. At the window, talk to Arestes and note the talk of a Blackbird.
Talk to Ugarte. Keep the stolen jewelry, but sell the white amphora for 66, and the gold ring for 27. Offer 31 for a rope. Hit I, click once on grapnel, drag rope onto large picture of grapnel to create rope/grapnel. Use your knife on the dummy. Exit and go screen left to the inn and go to your room. Put either magnet on your belt area at the bottom of the screen. Open the trunk and drag the magnet into the trunk. Leave it there permanently. Always keep the other magnet with you.
Go down and have supper. Exit the inn and go screen right uphill to the west market area. Press K to sneak and go to the Bank door. SAVE GAME! Wait till all guards are out of the screen, then pick the door lock till the door opens. Pick the gate lock on the inside. Use the printout of the Thieves Guild trap as a rough reference.
Click the vault door and choose "Disarm the trap." The images will be out of order (and they change each time you face the puzzle) so before clicking the center button, take your time and note the location of the images in a clockwise direction 1 to 8. Number them accordingly on your picture. When they're all identified, push the center button and disarm the trap.
Take your deposit plus 5,000 from the safe. Double click on your magnet and choose "Use." You teleport to your room because the other magnet is in the trunk. Put all but 2 or 3 hundred in the trunk. If it's well before 12 midnight, exit and go screen right across bridge and on to the Dead Parrot but don't go inside. Go to the door on the balcony and practice lock picking and using your toolkit on the door for those two skills. Before 12 midnight, teleport to your room and sleep till morning.
DAY THREE. Get all the gold from the trunk. Go downstairs and have breakfast. Exit and go screen right uphill to the west market area. Continue right and enter the Bank. Talk to the banker on all choices. Make a transaction and deposit all but a couple hundred drachmas for odd purposes. Exit and go screen right to exit the small arch next to the apothecary.
At the Dock area, throw rocks till 9 a.m., then enter the F.A.C.S. Talk to the old adventurer on all choices. Tell him about yourself and he tells you to bring some Hippocrene water from the Pegasus area. Exit and go up the Dead Parrot balcony and on uphill to the east market area, then left and enter the magic shop. Offer 375 for a Magic Dagger.
At Marrak's stand, make sure you have plenty of fruit. Make sure you still have plenty of healing pills. Use your magnet and teleport to your room, exit the inn and go out the nearby gate to the target range. Pick up some rocks around the target. Hit your keyboard E and make sure you're equipped with the Leather Armor and Magic Dagger. Exit at lower-right to the map overview.
Go NW and pass just left of the central crater. On the north side of the crater, go to the horsehead icon to enter the Pegasus area. Walk downhill and between the two peaks to the stream. If your stamina is low, raise it by drinking from the stream. Fill 2 amphoras from the stream to get Hippocrene water. Walk west past the nest spire and approach the other spire.
Stand on the green mossy area, just to the right of the large rock, and against the base of the spire. Throw your grappling hook to the first ledge to automatically climb up. Walk around the path till you're under the tree branch. Click on it to swing across. Walk on up to the nest and take 8 or 10 bunches of feathers. Just for fun, click feathers on yourself to spiral down. Use your magnet and teleport to your room. Sleep till morning.
DAY FOUR. Get breakfast, then exit the inn. Go screen right, cross bridge and on past Guild to Dock. Go to the F.A.C.S., enter and give an amphora of water to the old adventurer, then talk to him. Go outside, then go back in. Talk again and you get a Stealth Charm. Equip yourself with it. Now you have more stealth points. Exit and go to the weapon shop.
Sell enemy hardware and buy a dozen daggers (or cheat to increase what you already have.) Go up the Dead Parrot balcony, uphill to the apothecary and enter. Keep 2 bunches of feathers and sell the rest to Salim. Now you can buy Stamina pills. 30 or even more. Make sure you have plenty healing and poison cure pills. Exit and practice with your pickpocket knife on everyone around the market area for a few minutes.
Back screen right at the apothecary, go through the small arch to the Dock. At the balcony door of the Dead Parrot Inn, practice clicking your hand and your lock picking kit on the door. Also practice various skills till 7 p.m. Then, go screen left through big arch and enter the Thieves guild beneath the bridge. Talk to the dark cloaked man. Talk to Arestes. Use your knife on the dummy. Exit and go screen right back to the Dock. Practice skills till around 11:30, then teleport to your room and sleep till morning.
DAY FIVE. Get any enemy hardware from the trunk if you've been storing it there. Have breakfast downstairs, then exit. Go screen right and across near bridge to Dock. Sell any enemy hardware you have. At the boat talk to Andre, scrolling all choices, and ask about fishing, small fish, then about anchovies to get some.
Jump in the water for a swim and stay in the area around the ladder. When your stamina is about half, go back up the ladder to climb out of the water. Take stamina pills to raise it back up and go for another swim. Do this till about 11:15 a.m. Go up the Dead Parrot balcony and on up to the west market area. Enter the apothecary and restock with stamina, healing, and poison cure pills. Get a jalapeno pepper from one of the bunches on the wall. Exit and go to Marrak's food stand. Offer 12 drachmas for a pepperoni Pizza. Go screen left across the footbridge and enter the Bank. Get about 1,000 from your savings. This is for the Chief Thief contest tonight. Exit.
Go screen left past Wolfie's stand, through the arch and enter the Adventurers Guild. At the fireplace, show Elsa the Thief Sign. Talk to Elsa on all choices. Exit and go screen right back to the Dock area. Practice various skills till just before 6 p.m. Go through the east gate to the windmill, ride across to Science Island and enter the building.
Check the pizza chart by the door. Talk to Dr. Mobius who's on duty after 6 p.m. In inventory, click the pepperoni pizza, then drag the pepper onto the spinning pizza at the left. Give the pepperoni/ jalapeno pizza to Mobius. Use your magnet to return to your room. Exit the inn, go screen right and enter the Thieves Guild under the bridge after 7 p.m.
Talk to Ugarte who's standing out in the floor. Talk to Arestes at the window. Offer him 270 drachmas for a blackjack. At the far screen right, get a closeup of the Competition board and choose Enter the contest. Exit, go across the bridge and continue screen right to the Dock and enter the Dead Parrot Inn. Watch Nawar dance (click your eye cursor on her.) Talk to the bartender. After you say goodbye, Budar suggests you tell Nawar you liked her dancing. Exit and practice skills till 11:30. Teleport to your room and sleep till morning.
DAY SIX. Get breakfast and exit the inn. Go screen right and uphill to the west market area. Continue right and enter the Bank. Talk to Sam and make a Transaction. Choose "Enter The King's Rite. Spend an hour using your pickpocket knife on various people in the market areas (even your friends.) Go screen left past Wolfie's stand and enter the Adventurers Guild.
Talk to Magnum Opus on all choices. Check the bulletin board for new sub-headings on each posting. Exit and cross the bridge, then screen left and out the gate to the bull's-eye target. Equip with your armor and magic dagger. Exit to the map overview at screen right. Go north to the red Dragon Pillar. Defeat the Goons and keep your stamina and health up.
Search the bodies, then get a couple chunks of wax from the fallen hive. Click the Dragon Pillar to read it's message. Exit to the map overview and return south to Silmaria. Practice throwing daggers at the target (you eventually need Throwing at 500 later in the game), and practice with the F and G keys to increase strength and offense. If you had a shield, you could also use the D key during combat to build Defense.
At 5 p.m., go through the gate, screen right across the bridge, and past the Guild to the Dock. Enter the Dead Parrot, click Nawar and choose to play the wheel a few rounds. Practice picking pockets in the Inn for awhile. Practice sneaking (K) and jabbing the air (F) and kicking (G.) After 12 midnight, Nawar should be on her balcony outside. Talk to her on all choices. Then use your magnet to return to your room and sleep till morning.
DAY SEVEN. Get breakfast, then exit the inn. Go screen right, uphill to the west market and on right to go up the winding steps by the Bank. At Nob Hill, click on the gate to enter the Hall of Kings and start the Rites of Rulership. You're assigned the village of Naxos and its Sigil. Outside the Hall, go screen right to the sunning rock.
Talk to Rakeesh on all choices. Then go all the way screen left, through market and on left to exit west gate near Ann's Inn. At the target range, open the map you bought from Wolfie. Naxos is on the far SE tip of the main island. Equip with your best armor and weapon, also the stealth charm, then SAVE! Exit to the lower right and go along the shoreline.
On a beach, kill enemies and search them. Get a basket nearby. Go back to the map overview, proceed to Naxos and enter the village after 8 p.m. Sneak with your blackjack to knock out first guard. Sneak to guard in tower and knock him out. Sneak across the bridge, climb ladder of building at far screen left. Heal. Equip your magic dagger.
Enter the building and kill the guards. Heal and SAVE! Enter door at screen left and kill guards. Open the chest and take all. Equip the Atlas Armband. Use your magnet and teleport to your room. If you have lots of enemy hardware and gold, put it in the trunk. If it's late, sleep till morning.
DAY EIGHT. Get all hardware and gold from the trunk. Have breakfast and exit the inn. Go screen right across the bridge and on to the Dock. Sell enemy hardware at the weapon shop. If you can afford it, haggle price for the Magic Leather Armor, then sell your old leather armor. If you already have throwing daggers, use cheat to multiply them instead of buying more. You need 20 or so for the next task.
Go up the Dead Parrot balcony and up to the east market. Pick some flowers outside the apothecary. At Marrak's stand, talk on all choices, then buy a box of Sokolatak-ya. Go screen left across small footbridge. If you have lots of gold, deposit part of it at the Bank. At Sarra's stand, give her the basket. She gives you a bead necklace.
Go up the winding steps to Nob Hill and show the Sigil of Naxos to the gate guards to enter the Hall. You learn the next task is the Rite of Conquest and you have to return the shield of General Claudius. Outside, go screen right to the sunning rock and talk to Rakeesh. Go left and read the bulletin board. Go down to the market, go screen right to the apothecary. Make sure you have plenty of stamina, healing and some poison cure pills. Several Fire Proof potions will come in handy.
Exit and go through the arch to the Dock. Practice skills till around 5:30 (try to get throwing near 500.) Enter the Dead Parrot, go up small screen left steps and talk to Ugarte on all choices. Go screen right and talk to Nawar the dancer and Flirt with her. Give her the jewelry from the mansion robbery, flowers and Sokolatak-ya. Make sure poison cure is in your belt area.
After 6 p.m., exit the Inn and go screen left through the large arch. Approach the bridge and Ugarte arrives. Talk on all choices. Finally, say goodbye and the assassin will poison Ugarte. Quickly use your poison cure pills on Ugarte. You save him and end up at the Hall of Kings. Talk to Logos on all choices. Outside, go down to the market and screen left to bridge and under it to the Thieves Guild.
Talk to Arestes on all choices. Exit, cross the bridge and continue to the Dock. Enter the Dead Parrot and talk to the dancer on all choices. Go screen left up small steps and talk to Ferrari on all choices. After you ask for info, he suggests a deal concerning a Blackbird statue. Teleport to your room and sleep till morning.
DAY NINE. Have breakfast. Exit the inn, go screen right across the bridge and continue to the Dock. Make sure you're equipped with your armor and stealth charm. Make sure the blackjack, grappling hook, daggers, magic dagger, stamina and healing pills are in your belt area. Talk to Andre about all choices, then rent the boat. Sail around the SE tip of the main island and head west. Continue along the coastal region to the single small island between Piperi and Kea.
You are on shore of Sifnos Island after dark. SAVE! Press K and sneak along the base of the right wall to the first landing of the stairs. Use your grapnel to climb up. Sneak to the landing just above the drainpipe and climb down with your grapnel. Click the drain, "Use Thief Kit" and go through. Emerge from an outhouse door. Stay close to the walls and sneak to far side of fortress.
On the far side, a Wizard appears. Fire a rapid burst of daggers at him. He teleports to the opposite side and pauses a few seconds. Keep on the move to avoid the spell bolts and guard arrows. When the Wizard goes down, the General appears. Weaken him with any throwing daggers, then equip your magic dagger and finish him off in close combat. When he's defeated, everyone else leaves. Search the General and take everything (battle axe, shield, etc.)
Search the Wizard and take everything (Augmentation Scroll, magic dagger, etc.) Load up on spears from the cart, they can be sold. Use your magnet and teleport to your room.
DAY TEN. Get breakfast and exit the inn. Go screen right, cross the bridge and continue to the Dock and Weapon shop. KEEP the General's shield. Sell all the Sifnos spears and other enemy hardware including the Magic Axe. Go up the Dead Parrot balcony and on up to the east market. Enter the apothecary and talk to Julanar on all choices. Talk to Salim on all choices. Restock your stamina and healing pills. Buy some vitality and healing potions.
Get food items from Marrak if you're low on these. Talk to all vendors around the market areas. Deposit excessive drachmas at the Bank. Get extra amphoras from Wolfie if necessary. Go up the winding stairs to Nob Hill. Make sure poison cure is in your belt area. Show the General's Shield to a gate guard to enter the Hall of Kings. You learn the next task is the Rite of Valor concerning the Hydra's teeth.
You automatically go to the sunning rock. Talk to Rakeesh on all choices. When you say goodbye, the assassin poisons Rakeesh. Quickly use your poison cure pills on him and you end up back in the Hall. Afterwards, go down to the market, screen right across arched footbridge, and enter the Magic Shop. Sell Shakra the Augmentation scroll and one of the magic daggers. You MUST keep one for yourself. Exit and go screen right to the apothecary shop and enter.
Talk to both people on all choices. Exit and go through small arch to the Dock. Then screen right and enter the F.A.C.S. Talk to the old adventurer on all choices. Click the big open book on the stairs several times to read to it's end. Exit and go through the gate to the windmill and across to Science Island. Go inside. In inventory, click the artichoke pizza and drag anchovies onto the spinning pizza. Give the artichoke/anchovy pizza to Pretorius.
At the wooden wings behind the desk, use the beeswax on it. Then use the feathers on it. Take the wings and automatically fly to Hydra Island. Equip with the Atlas Armband, Magic Armor, and Magic Dagger. Make sure the torch is in your Belt area. Fill an empty amphora with the green glowing ooze from the tree. Now SAVE! Go on down and attack the Hydra.
When Elsa shows up, you are asked if you want help. Choose "YES." Talk to Elsa and choose to do the torching. Stand directly in front of the Hydra and burn the stumps as Elsa cuts the heads off. If you choose to do the fighting, use your magic dagger on the middle head, then run up the side ramps to get each side head. Click the dead Hydra to get its Teeth and Scales.
Walk past the dead Hydra into the cave. Walk to the lower right. Elsa takes a Magic Bow and leaves. Take the pile of gold and the nearby Magic Helm. Walk to lower screen left and SAVE when you see a chest. If your health is extremely high, you can force open the chest and barely survive. Or, use a printout of the Thieves Guild Trap Puzzle, number the figures accordingly, and choose to disarm the trap. Take everything from the chest. Use your magnet to teleport to your room. Put the General's Shield in the chest, then sleep till morning.
DAY ELEVEN. Get all enemy hardware from trunk. Get breakfast and of you haven't already, talk to Ann about her Mortgage. Then exit the inn. Go across nearby bridge and on to the Dock area. At the weapon shop, sell enemy hardware including a magic helm and the magic chain mail (thieves only need the magic leather armor.) Go up the Dead Parrot balcony.
Continue up through the arch to the east market and enter the apothecary. Talk to the woman Julanar on all choices. When you say goodbye, she gives you some magic seeds. Talk to Salim on all choices. Sell him the Hydra Scales. Now, buy a few bottles of Fire Proof Potions. Make sure you still have plenty of other pills. Exit and go screen left and enter the magic shop.
Talk to Shakra on all and about Erasmus. Sell the Shrink Scroll. Exit, go screen left and enter the Bank. Deposit any excessive drachmas. Exit and go up the winding steps to Nob Hill. Show the Hydra Teeth to the Hall guards. You learn the next task is the Rite of Destiny and the island of Delos. Go down to the market area, screen right and through small arch to the Dock.
Practice swimming till 5 p.m., then enter the Dead Parrot Inn. Tell Nawar you love her. Up the screen left steps, talk to Ferrari and he offers Ann's deed for "Something of great value." Ask about the Blackbird. Exit the Inn, go up the balcony and on up through the arch to the market area. At dusk (around 7 p.m. or so) go to the Bank area.
Two guards patrol back and forth in front of the Bank. Put your blackjack in your belt area and make sure you're equipped with the Stealth charm. SAVE! Press K to sneak and wait till one guard goes across the footbridge at screen right. Equip with the blackjack, sneak behind other guard and knock him out. Quickly click on the downed guard and "Hide the Body."
Quickly pick lock on Bank Door and enter. Pick the lock on the vault bars. Get out a printout or drawing of the Thieves Guild Trap and note the correct locations of the Greek figures on the bank vault (it changes each time you approach it.) Disarm the trap and take everything. Use your magnet and teleport to your room and put the loot in the trunk.
Exit, go screen right across the bridge and on to the Dock area. Go inside the Dead Parrot. After midnight, go outside and talk to Nawar on the front balcony. Finally, teleport to your room and sleep till morning.
DAY TWELVE. Get the gold from the trunk, go downstairs and have breakfast. Exit, go screen right uphill to west market area and enter the Bank. Talk to the banker on everything. Deposit all but 1,000 or so of the stolen drachmas. Exit and go screen right through small arch to the Dock. At 9 a.m., enter the F.A.C.S. Talk to the old adventurer on all choices and pay careful attention. Click the stack of books straight below the big open book on the stairs.
Click the stack of books several times to read all of it for instructions on building a balloon. Exit, go up Dead Parrot balcony and uphill to Wolfie's stand. Talk to him on all choices, including flying to learn of his painting. Offer him 87 for the balloon painting. Just to the right, offer Sarra 410 for Hera's Ring. Continue screen right to Marrak's stand.
Show Marrak the painting to learn of his brazier. Offer him 80 for a brazier. Teleport to your room. Go downstairs and give the Magic Seeds to Ann. Show her the balloon painting. Give her the bed sheet. Talk to Ann and tell her about Wolfie. Exit, go screen right across the bridge and enter the Adventurers Guild. Double click the treadmill and run to build vitality.
Practice till 6 p.m. Exit, go under the bridge and enter the Thieves Guild. Make a large increase in your bet at the Chief Thief Board on the far right wall. Make sure you keep a few coins in inventory. Exit, go back across the bridge and to the Dock. Sneak around, go up to the balcony door of the Dead Parrot, Pick the door lock and also click your kit on the door.
Just before 12 midnight, enter the Dead Parrot. Wait till 5 or so after midnight and exit. Talk to Nawar again on her balcony and mention her dancing. Ask for a kiss, then offer Hera's Ring. Finally, teleport back to your room and sleep till morning.
DAY THIRTEEN. Make sure you have the tinderbox, rope, Hippocrene water, goo, brazier and some drachmas. Go downstairs and Ann gives you the sewn sheet. Have breakfast, then exit to see all the flowers. Go screen right, cross the bridge, and continue to the Dock. Continue screen right, exit the gate to the windmill, ride across to Science Island and enter the building.
Go up the treadmill lift and through the door to the big round platform. Click the green glowing panel near the door. Set Crane Extension on 100, and crane rotation on 50. Set Claw to closed, then click Run. The gondola will be lifted to the platform. Use your sewn sheet on the gondola, use your rope on it, use Goo on the gondola, then use your brazier on it. Use your tinderbox and light the brazier.
Fly NW to Delos, the medium sized island immediately NW of the main island. Stop the balloon near the tree-woman icon at the SW of the island. Click the balloon to get off, then walk to the tree icon. Start at the extreme screen left in the glade and pour Hippocrene water on each of the 7 Dryad trees as you work your way screen right. With that done, wait several seconds as the lights swirl and you eventually dance with a Dryad spirit.
After the dance, exit the glade and walk NE to the statue icon. SAVE! To screen right, click the dark colored leaning pedestal in front of the fountain. As you read the writing, the text automatically changes twice. It's critical that you see this text, as it's the only way you know how to enter Hades later on. Click directly on the floating flower, NOT the water. This flower is for Salim. Drop a drachma in the fountain.
Listen to the Sybil. Afterwards, pick up the plate (Proof of Destiny) she drops. Exit back left and fly the balloon roughly SE to Silmaria. Return to your room and sleep till morning.
DAY FOURTEEN. Go downstairs and admire the paint job. Have breakfast, then talk to Wolfie if he's at the other table. Talk to Ann. Exit the inn, go screen right uphill to the west market and up the winding steps near the Bank. At Nob Hill, show Proof of Destiny to the guards and enter the Hall. Your next task is the Rite of Courage in Hades.
Outside the Hall, read new sub-headings on each posting at the bulletin board. Go down to the market, left to Wolfie's stand and buy 3 or four Amphoras if you don't have any empties. Back screen right, enter the bank and make sure you have 5 or 6 hundred drachmas in your inventory. Exit and continue screen right to Marrak's food stand. Buy both kinds of pizza, a few gyros, and a box of Sokolatak-ya.
Farther right, enter the apothecary. Talk to Julanar and Salim on all choices. Give the black lotus flower to Salim. Make sure you have PLENTY of stamina and healing pills. Exit and go through the small arch to the left. At the Dock, go right and enter the F.A.C.S. Talk to the old adventurer on all choices. Use your magnet to teleport to the inn, then exit.
Go through the nearby gate to the target range. Make sure you're fully armored and have stamina and healing in your belt. Exit at lower-right to the map overview. Walk NW to the horned skull icon just north of the coastline. Notice the body lying partially in the water. Fill an amphora with the fouled water. Go screen left to where "The granite wall is unnaturally cold." Click the eye cursor on the water where "The stream flows directly to the center of the earth."
Pour some Hippocrene water into the stream where it flows underneath the cliff. An Earthquake. After you come to, re-equip your hand weapon. Try to enter the door. Bribe Cerberus with a pizza, Sokolatak-ya, and a gyro.
After Cerberus is out of the way, make sure the grappling hook is in your belt area, your are equipped with the Atlas Armband, Magic Dagger, and Magic Leather Armor. Enter the door and try to avoid the creatures and run to the right. When the path divides, go right along a narrow path and continue under the arch. Follow a twisting path to a high ledge over another arch.
Click your grappling hook on the right ledge to climb down. Run under the arch and through the door at the right rear. Run left, all the way through a dragon skeleton and out of the head. Keep running to another split path and go right along narrow area to the whirlpool. Slightly left on the edge is the sluggish River Lethe. Fill an amphora with Lethe water. Continue screen right to River Styx where a guard hovers in wait.
Carefully get an amphora of Styx water. Hurry left and around the far side of the whirlpool. Run screen right in the background quite a long way to the Halls of Hades entrance. Listen to the Guardian of the Dead. As a Thief, ideally you should choose Katrina. When asked, choose to "Pay the Price." Afterwards, Katrina tells you to meet her on Zante Island.
Heal up and hurry your way all the way back to the entrance where you met Cerberus. Outside, there's another quake and the doors shut. Use you magnet to teleport to your room. Get the box of poisoned candy from the chair. Even though it may be late, exit the inn and go screen right, go under the bridge and enter the Thieves Guild. Buy Stealth Oil from Arestes (it's needed to enter Atlantis.) Teleport to your room and sleep till morning.
DAY FIFTEEN. Get breakfast, then talk to Ann about all choices. Exit and go screen right uphill to the market, then up the winding steps by the Bank. Show Styx water to a gate guard and enter the Hall of Kings. You learn the next task is the Rite of Peace and Atlantis. Go down to the market, then screen right and pick some flowers outside the apothecary.
Enter the apothecary. Salim added the black lotus to his poison cure and automatically switches improved pills for your old ones. Talk to both people on all choices. Give the Lethe water to Salim. Give the pink box of poisoned candy to Salim. Make sure you have plenty of pills and potions. Exit and go through the small arch to the Dock area. Go screen right and enter the F.A.C.S.
Talk to the old adventurer on all choices. Exit the F.A.C.S. Since you should have the balloon outside the gate near Ann's Inn, use the magnet to teleport to your room and out the gate to the target range (if you somehow got separated from the balloon, rent Andre's boat before 12 noon. If you miss Andre, spend the day practicing, sleep till morning and catch Andre early.) At the map overview, fly the balloon (or sail the boat) due east to Zante Island and walk onto the icon at the south tip of the island. Use your eye cursor to identify islands.
Knock on the gate door and talk to Katrina on all choices including Atlantis. You get a Water Breathing Amulet. Return to the Balloon (or boat) and fly due west to Skyros Island with a lake in the middle (if you're going by ship, you have to sail up counterclockwise around Psara to the NW of Skyros, then approach Skyros from the NW.)
Walk to the pillar icon on the east side of the island. In the water, equip with the breathing amulet. Swim screen left to the fancy door. Click the door and examine it. Use stealth oil to lubricate the hinge pin. Use your toolkit to loosen the pin. SAVE! Use your magnet to pull the pin, then quickly swim to screen right as the door falls off. Quickly exit the water.
At map overview, heal up and go back to the icon and under water. Equip with the blackjack and slowly swim to the broken door, blackjacking both guards. Enter the broken door. There's lots of guards in this area, so stay close to the walls. Swim low and screen right under the patch of seaweed. At 3 wall panels, click the third from the left, swim through and emerge from another.
Stay low and continue screen right past more seaweed. When view changes, stay low and close to the wall. Continue to large building at far end. Click second panel from the left, then choose "Pick the Lock." Inside, stay low close to the wall and go right or left around the room till you're ordered to stop. Swim directly at the Queen and offer her flowers.
Talk to the Queen on all choices, be sure to scroll and don't miss any and tell about Silver-tongue and his message. You get a Peace Statue.
NOTE: DON'T deliver the statue to the Hall of Kings, you have things to do the next several days. If you go to the Hall of Kings at this time, it prematurely starts the end-game. 
Use your magnet to teleport to your room. If it's late, have supper and fool around till 11 p.m. or so, then in your room choose to sleep till morning. Elsa disturbs you and tells about Minos. Talk to Elsa on all choices, then say goodbye. After a few seconds, Elsa leaves. Now sleep till morning.
DAY SIXTEEN (approximate.) DON'T go near the Hall of kings! Get breakfast, exit the inn and go screen right across the bridge and on to the Dock. At the weapon shop, offer 1500 for the Slasher Dagger. If you don't have a sword, BUY ONE. Continue right through the gate and ride across to Science Island. Gort is not up on the balcony. Go up the lift and click the panel where Gort used to be. Enter the password from the test by the pizza chart.
A secret lab downstairs is revealed. Go down and talk to Pretorius on all choices. Exit and go back across to the pier. Make sure your stealth charm is equipped. Make sure you have some fireproof potions from the apothecary. Sneak around the market areas, using your pickpocket knife on the citizens and your merchant friends. Shortly before 7 p.m., teleport to your room and take the bed sheet from the bottom drawer of the chest.
Click the bed and choose to sleep. Elsa shows up and suggests you steal a Blackbird. You end up at Minos Island. Make sure it's after dark (wait till 8 p.m.) Make sure you're equipped with the stealth charm and the blackjack. SAVE! Press K and sneak behind first Goon and knock him out. Sneak screen left to foreground and across left behind rocks.
Sneak to left side of building and up the path to a dead tree. Use your grappling hook on the tree to climb to ledge. Sneak along cliff to far screen right. Jump to the fortress wall then to the balcony. Sneak behind goon and knock him out. Sneak to door, pick the lock and enter the palace. SAVE! Sneak down and knock out guard. Sneak to main floor.
Sneak along wall, around to door behind tapestry at screen left. Wait till upper goon turns away, then use your grappling hook to climb to the upper door and sneak through it before you're seen. Sneak and knock out the Treasury Guards. Lock the door! Now, SAVE again. Take the winged lion statue from the desk. Use your grappling hook to climb to the ledge over the middle barred alcove on the left wall. DON'T touch the statue, use your bedsheet on the Magic Statue. Climb down the rope. 
NOTE: if you don't have fireproofing potions, you'll have to disarm some traps.
At screen right, click the farther barred alcove, take a fireproof potion and quickly open the alcove, take the statue, and clear out the other 2 alcoves on the right side. Go across to screen left alcoves, take another fireproof potion and clean out all 3 alcoves. Finally, use your magnet and teleport to your room. Sleep till morning.
DAY NINETEEN (approximate.) DON'T go near the Hall of kings! Have breakfast and exit the inn. Make sure you still have a sword! Go screen right uphill to Wolfie's stand. Give the Blackbird to Wolfie. Go all the way screen right to the apothecary and enter. Talk to Julanar and Salim on all choices. Make sure you have plenty stamina, healing, poison cure pills and some fireproofing. Exit.
Stay around the market areas and sneak or just punch and kick the air till about 4 p.m. or so. Just make sure you get the Blackbird from Wolfie before 5. Talk to Wolfie after 4 and ask about the Blackbird. He returns it. Buy the Imitation blackbird from Wolfie. Go screen left and down to the bridge. Fool around till 6 p.m., then enter the Thieves Guild.
Show the real Blackbird to Arestes. He will write something in his book. Sell the Winged Lion and the Magic Statue to Arestes. Make sure you still have Stealth Oil (buy some if necessary.) Exit and go across the bridge and on to the Dock. Enter the Dead Parrot Inn. Talk to Nawar and show her the real Blackbird you so daringly acquired. She will suggest you fool Ferrari. Offer Hera's Ring to Nawar and she says you must challenge the fat guard outside and she suggests a little sword play. Go up the screen left steps and give the real Blackbird to Ferrari. You get Ann's deed in return.
Equip with a weapon and go outside. Approach Abdull and hit F to attack. A guard will break up the fight. Re-enter the Inn and again offer Hera's Ring to Nawar. Teleport to your room and go downstairs. If Ann is there, give her the Deed. Go upstairs and sleep till morning.
DAY TWENTY (approximate.) Go downstairs. If you haven't already, give the Deed to Ann. Have breakfast, then exit the inn. Go screen right uphill to the west market, and up the winding steps, by the Bank, to Nob Hill. Show the Peace Statue to one of the gate guards and enter the Hall of Kings. You learn the final task is the Rite of Justice.
Outside the Hall, go down to the market, go screen right and through the small arch to the Dock. Go right and enter the F.A.C.S. Talk to the old adventurer on all choices. Go back up the Dead Parrot balcony, up to the market, and up winding steps by the Bank. Fool around Nob Hill till 8 p.m. Equip with your stealth charm. The rest of the evening should be sneaking, so press K and sneak to the door of the second house past the Hall guards.
SAVE! Pick the lock and enter. Equip with your Torch and make sure you're still in sneak mode. Sneak up the stairs, open the top door, and go out on the balcony. Use your grappling hook to climb up to the next 2 roofs. You automatically walk to the left edge of the highest roof. Click the small area below and to the left to jump down.
Jump down to the next lower roof and Sneak to the left edge. Jump across to the corner of the roof of Ferrari's house. Sneak to the middle window and use your stealth oil on the window to loosen the bars. Click your Toolkit on the window. Click your hand on the window and choose "Use your Acme Toolkit", to remove the bars and go inside.
While sneaking, press keyboard left arrow to sidestep along the ledge. Sneak down the stairs and take the white amphora from the table. Push the small table to screen right and under the Blackbird. Get on the table and use the Imitation Blackbird on the Real one to make a switch. Use your magnet to teleport to your room.
Try to sleep and Elsa arrives again. Talk to her on all choices and she says Minos has the Prophecy Stone. Tell her to be careful, then say goodbye. After a few seconds, she leaves. Now sleep till morning.
DAY TWENTY ONE (approximate.) Have breakfast and talk to Ann. Exit the inn, go screen right across the bridge and continue screen right to the Dock. Practice various skills till 5 p.m., then enter the Dead Parrot. Up the screen left stairs, talk to Ferrari on all choices. Fool around the Inn till 7 p.m. Be sure stamina and health are maximum. Make sure stamina, healing, and poison cure pills are in your belt area. Equip with the Slasher Dagger and Magic Leather Armor. Exit the Inn and SAVE! Walk screen left through the large arch, and take a poison cure pill before approaching the bridge. Walk to the bridge and the assassin attacks.
Attack and kill the assassin, while maintaining your vitals and poison resistence. You loose consciousness and come to in the Hall of Kings. When asked, choose "Trick Minos to Confess." Outside, use your magnet to teleport to your room and sleep till morning.
DAY TWENTY TWO (approximate.) You are awakened and taken to the Hall of Kings. When Logos asks you to name the enemy, choose "Say the assassin confessed." You automatically end up at Minos Island again. Make sure you're equipped with Magic Leather Armor and have the Poison Dagger (from the assassin) in your belt area. Make sure you're equipped with the stealth charm and the blackjack. SAVE! Press K and sneak behind first Goon and knock him out. Sneak screen left to foreground and across left behind rocks.
Sneak to left side of building and up the path to a dead tree. Use your grappling hook on the tree to climb to ledge. Sneak along cliff to far screen right. Jump to the fortress wall then to the balcony. Sneak behind goon and knock him out. Sneak to door, pick the lock and enter the palace. SAVE! Sneak down and knock out guard. Sneak to main floor.
Sneak along wall, around to door behind tapestry at screen left. Wait till upper goon turns away, then use your grappling hook to climb to the upper door and sneak through it before you're seen. Minos and a War Minotaur are waiting. Quickly equip your Slasher Dagger.
Run to the Toolkit on the desk and grab it. Quickly give it to Elsa in the right-rear alcove. Stay away from the Minotaur and kill the Goons. Then help Elsa kill the Minotaur. Minos jumps to his death and the Prophecy Stone shatters. Quickly search Minos and take all. Quickly search the Minotaur and take all. Click the alco
ve on the left-rear. If you previously took everything, it should be empty.
If you didn't previously clean out the alcove, you'll have to disarm it. Get out a drawing of the Thieves Guild trap and number the figures accordingly.
Once the alcove is taken care of, either Katrina or Erana appears and teleports everyone to the Dragon Blood Pool. After Gort speaks, quickly click Toro and ask him to help fix the pillar. Quickly click Gort and ask him to help fix the pillar. Quickly click the Minotaur Axe on Toro to give it to him. Quickly click on the pillar to help Gort and Toro fix it.
After the pillar is fixed, quickly click Gort and ask him to sacrifice himself. He does so and gets killed. The dragon is trapped in the cave. Quickly equip with the Poison Dagger! Keep yourself alive, but join in the fight. If you have any magic and first aid skill, use it on the others. Eventually the dragon is destroyed and you automatically go to the Hall of Kings.
Accept or reject to rule, either choice is ok. And if you've played correctly, you get the title of Chief Thief and a kiss from Nawar.


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