
The Rig is your first stop in Cyberia. You will find yourself in the
Rig's docking bay. A door on the right leads to Gia and the Gunnery
Chair. The door on the left leads to a lift, which connects to the
hangar, where a Transfighter is ready.
HELP WITH GIA: When you meet Gia, she immediately tells you to
turn around and disarm your weapon. To avoid being killed, press
the left arrow key on your keyboard. If you hit any other key or
you take to long to react, you will be killed by Gia.
THE GUNNERY CHAIR: This is your first big challenge in Cyberia.
If you find that this section of the game is too difficult, you
may restart the game and choose a lower arcade difficulty level.
Pay attention to the six blue indicators on the control panel 
display. (bottom middle of screen) These display hull damage to
the Rig which you are defending. If too much damage is sustained
to the Rig hull, it will be destroyed.

After successfully defending the Rig, Gia will congratulate you 
and offer a kiss. To accept her kiss, press the up arrow key or
just wait. To decline, press the down arrow. Kissing Gia will
cause Santos to become jealous and you will be rendered unconscious 
by a guard. There is no way to avoid this if you kiss Gia.
THE ELEVATOR: The elevator takes you from the upper dock to the
hangar. To operate the elevator, walk to the buttons in the corner
of the room. Your view will switch to a Visor View. Use the arrow
keys to move your hand over the Hangar button and press the space
bar to select it. The view will switch back to normal and you can
walk into the elevator and ride up to the hangar.
GUARDS: If you don't kiss Gia, you shouldn't have too much trouble
with any of the guards in the Rig, as long as you follow their
If you did kiss Gia, Santos is enraged and will order you killed.
After escaping from Santos, you will find your self in a warehouse.
Be sure to get the power pack for Santos' weapon before you go on.
In one of the rooms in the warehouse, you will find a ladder. 
After climbing the ladder and walking down a ramp, there is a door
to the right which leads to the hangar. Once inside, you must 
quickly lock the door behind you or a guard will open the door and
shoot you in the back. With the door locked, turn so you are facing
the crates by the door and walk towards it. The view will change,
showing you looking out from behind the crates. A guard is right 
down the hall from you. As the guard begins to walk towards your
position the view changes back to a normal walking view. To fire
your weapon, push the right arrow key to raise your weapon and 
press the space bar to fire. To be successful, you must wait until
the guard is raising his weapon before you fire. If you shoot too
early, you will miss and he'll kill you.
THE BOMB PUZZLE: There are three ways of disarming the bomb depending
on the puzzle difficulty level you have selected. The directions are
as follows:

 LEVEL 1: First do an MRI test on the bomb by pressing F2. There are
 seven switches in one row, of which only one switch is active, a 
 vibration sensor and an on/off switch. First toggle the vibration
 sensor switch, then toggle the other active switch. Do not touch the
 on/off switch.
 LEVEL 2: First do an MRI test on the bomb by pressing F2. There are
 seven switches in one row, a vibration sensor switch and an on/off
 switch. First toggle the vibration sensor switch, then 
 toggle the fourth switch from the left, and then the second switch 
 from the left.
 LEVEL 3: First do an MRI test on the bomb by pressing F2. There are
 seven switches in one row, a vibration sensor switch and an on/off
 switch. First toggle the vibration sensor switch, then toggle the
 fourth switch from the left, and then the second switch from the 
 left.  Now toggle the first switch on the right, (not the on/off 
 switch) then toggle the second switch from the right, and then the 
 third switch from the right.  

~Transfighter Flying Sequences

OPEN OCEAN: This is the first Transfighter sequence. Your goal is to
destroy a large enemy ship by exploding it's fuel tank. Your target
will be designated by a blue target box. If you do not successfully 
destroy this ship, your ship will be destroyed.

MILITARY ISLANDS: You must pass over a heavily guarded enemy 
munitions dump on your way to destroy an important enemy submarine. 
Destroy as many munitions buildings as possible along the way and 
watch out for cruise missiles as you near the sub. Take careful aim 
at the blue target box when you reach the sub. You must destroy it 
or die.

NORWAY: This is the third Transfighter mission. Be alert for the
numerous tanks in the area as well as air defenses. A large 
hovercraft will rise from behind the canyon walls midway through the 
mission. It must be destroyed quickly or you will be toast.
ARCHANGEL MILITARY PORT: This is the fourth Transfighter mission. 
Your goal here is to fly through the military port in order to reach 
a freight tunnel through the mountains. Keep alert for numerous air 
and ground defenses in the area. You will soon learn that the 
entrance to the tunnel is shielded and you must disable the shield 
generator. As you make your pass to make your attack, a large gun is 
readied against you from behind the generator building. You must 
destroy the generator building or you will be shot down by the gun.
FREIGHT TUNNEL: This is the fifth Transfighter mission. Your goal 
here is to make it through the tunnel in one piece. Do not fire upon 
the fuel trucks which are designated by blue target boxes. If you do, 
you will destroy the truck, the tunnel, and everything inside...
including yourself.

ZUBROVSKA: This is the sixth Transfighter mission in which you must
reach a refueling center. The trick to this mission is to be very 
accurate with your shots in the beginning of the mission, using as
little weapon energy as possible, so you can have it available when
things get hectic. Try firing individual shots instead of holding the
trigger down. The hardest part of this mission comes near the end, 
when three fast enemy planes attack with missiles. Pay close 
attention where each of these planes appears on the screen, then go 
back and try to anticipate the arrival of each; readying your 
controller a moment before each one appears. Once you pass this 
point, be sure not to shoot the helicopter which passes as your 
Transfighter lands, or the resulting explosion will destroy you.
ICE CANYONS: The seventh Transfighter mission is a very difficult
mission. The most difficult aspect of the mission is to save enough
shield and weapon power to defeat the huge enemy attack plane at the
end of the mission. To do this you should try to shoot each enemy
aircraft as soon as it is targeted with just one shot. After you make 
a sharp turn over the water, after battling two enemy helicopters,
two targets will appear on the right side, one shortly after the 
other. You must destroy these ships quickly or suffer major damage to
your fighter.

SPACE SEQUENCE: This difficult sequence requires perseverance and the
memorization of target locations. Try to anticipate the arrival of 
each enemy target, readying your cross-hairs at the proper location
moments before the target actually comes into range. Being merged 
with the Cyberia weapon, you will have an unlimited supply of weapon
energy...fire away!

~`                     -------------------------------------

The Arcade difficulty level you set when first starting Cyberia 
adjusts the accuracy required for making hits on enemy units. The 
easy setting displays large target boxes, making enemy ships much 
easier to hit.  Target boxes reduce in size as difficulty level 

While playing the Transfighter sequences there are three small 
indicators near the top of your screen. The scale on the top right 
is your Shield levels. Each hit to your ship depletes your shield 
levels. When the shields are at very low level, hits from enemy 
weapons will cause damage to your ship. Shield energy recharges 
when the system is not being fired upon.

The scale at the top left represents weapons energy levels. As energy
is depleted, weapon effectiveness is reduced, until, at very low 
levels, firing becomes intermittent. Weapons energy recharges while 
weapons are not in use.
Beneath the weapons energy is a scale representing actual hull 
damage.  When this level drops to zero, the hull of your ship has 
been breached, and your Transfighter will explode. This scale will 
not recharge because damage will not be repaired during flight. All 
scales will return to full during the next Transfighter sequence.

~Cyberia Complex

GAINING ENTRANCE: The main entrance is to the north and is guarded. 
To get there, walk north from your landed Transfighter, always 
staying as far to the left as possible.  The other entrance is 
actually a ventilation shaft, and can be found east of the main 
entrance, by walking from the Transfighter and staying to the right.

VISOR PUZZLES: Your visor aids you in solving many of the puzzles in
Cyberia. During each visor puzzle, the F1 key activates the Infra Red
Scan (IR), the F2 key activates the Magnetic Resonance Scan (MRI), 
and the F3 key activates the Bio-Mass scan. The right side of you 
visor has as small gauge, represented by four colored blocks, 
indicating your energy level.

The solution to the Visor Puzzles will differ depending upon the 
puzzle level that you selected at the beginning of Cyberia.

  PERIMETER LOCK OF THE COMPLEX: To open the perimeter lock on the 
  entrance to the complex, toggle the first switch on the left, then 
  the third switch then the second switch.

  THE SECURITY DOOR: First use an infra red scan on the keypad. This 
  will display a reading of heat from the previous person to access 
  the door.  The keys are cooling off in the order in which they were 
  touched, allowing you to read the combination, which is 2571. After 
  punching in the code, press the enter key on the keypad to open the 

  THE ELEVATOR PUZZLE: To close the elevator doors to protect you 
  from the blast grenade you will need the combination which can be 
  obtained on the H. Suzuki computer terminal. If you do not have 
  the combination, you must return to that computer terminal to 
  retrieve it. Once at the Suzuki terminal you will find dossiers for 
  the people who work in the complex.  The last record is for a new 
  employee who has been given a temporary access code. Make not of 
  this code and return to the elevator. You must enter the code 
  quickly to avoid being killed by the grenade.  By pressing the 
  buttons repeatedly, you may cycle through the various shapes to 
  enter the code.

  THE PUMP PUZZLE: The doors which lead to the Cyberia Weapon are 
  out of service and must be operated manually. To open the doors 
  you must line up the four valves along the center line. Each valve 
  has a pressure switch, which, when pushed, raises the level of the 
  valve. To line up the valves you must press the switches to raise 
  each valve in such a way that the valves will line up. When the 
  valves line up they will lock in place and the door will open.

  *LEVEL 2 VISOR PUZZLE SOLUTIONS*                                                                     
  PERIMETER LOCK OF THE COMPLEX: To open the perimeter lock on the 
  entrance to the complex, toggle the first switch on the left, then 
  the sixth switch and then the third switch.

   THE SECURITY DOOR: First use an infra red scan on the keypad. You 
   will see the keys cooling off from a previous entry. The code is 
   2571. Punch in the code and press the enter key.

   THE ELEVATOR PUZZLE: To close the elevator doors to protect you 
   from the blast grenade, you will need the combination, which can 
   be obtained on the H. Suzuki computer terminal. If you do not have 
   the combination, you must return to that computer terminal to 
   retrieve it. Once at the Suzuki terminal you will find dossiers 
   for the people who work in the complex.  The last record is for a 
   new employee who has been given a temporary access code. Make note 
   of this code and return to the elevator. You must enter the code 
   quickly to avoid being killed by the grenade. By pressing the 
   buttons repeatedly, you will be able to cycle through the various 
   shapes to enter the correct code. 

   THE PUMP PUZZLE: The doors to the Cyberia Weapon are out of 
   service and must be operated manually. You must line up the four 
   valves along the center line. Each valve has a pressure switch, 
   which, when pushed raises the level of the valve. You must press 
   each switch in such a way as to line up each valve along the 
   center line.

   PERIMETER LOCK: To open the perimeter lock on the entrance to the 
   complex, toggle the first switch on the left, then the sixth 
   switch, and then the third switch.

   THE SECURITY DOOR: First use an infra red scan on the keypad. The 
   code is 2571.

   THE ELEVATOR PUZZLE: You must have a code to close the elevator 
   doors to prevent being killed by the blast grenade. The code is at
   the H. Suzuki computer terminal. You will find dossiers for the 
   people who work in the complex. A temporary access code has been 
   given to a new employee who is the last record in the terminal. 
   Obtain the code and return to the elevator. Enter the code quickly 
   to avoid being killed by the grenade. To enter the code correctly, 
   you must repeatedly press the buttons to cycle through the 
   available choices.

   THE PUMP PUZZLE: You must align the pressure valves along the 
   center valve to open the doors to the Cyberia Weapon. Press the 
   pressure switches in such a way as to align the valves on the 
   center line and they will lock into place and open the doors.

COMPUTER TERMINALS: While using any of the terminals located in the 
complex, your arrow keys move between the different selections and 
the spacebar selects. The information you can access through the 
terminals will often provide game hints, so you should always check 
each room for any active computers. To use a terminal, simply move 
next to it, and if that computer is active it will come on-line with 
an audible tone.

COMPUTER PASSWORD: Only one computer terminal in the complex requires
a password. The hint to obtain the password was given on one of the 
Video Mail's earlier in the game. The hint tells you to go to the 
berthing area and look for a picture on the wall. Upon entering these
rooms, you find a large portrait of Albert Einstein. This is your 
clue.  The password is Einstein.


*OUTSIDE THE CYBERIA COMPLEX: When you reach the main entrance of the
complex, you will find a guard outside who begins shooting at you. If
you get shot immediately, you have not followed the correct path to 
the complex. Be sure to stay as far to the right as possible as you 
walk from the Transfighter to the complex. The correct path will lead 
to a shed you can hide behind. Correct timing is the key to killing 
the guard.  Try to time your move in between his shots, then lean out 
with the right arrow key and shoot with the spacebar.

*FOUR GUARDS AND A DINING ROOM: The dining room contains four guards.
If you try to sneak past this room, one of the guards will open the 
door and shoot you. You must enter the room to deal with the guards.
When you enter the room, shoot the two guards on the left, then duck
behind the crate to your right. The two guards left will duck behind
the tables and continue to fire at you. Perfect timing is the key to
killing these two guards. To fire from this position you must raise
up with the up arrow, then turn to aim and shoot. You may use the 
down arrow to duck behind the crate at any time during this sequence.

*GUARD BEHIND GLASS WALL: You will find yourself in a storeroom on 
the lower level of the complex with a guard behind a glass wall. If 
he sees you he will activate a Halon System and flood the room with 
poisonous gas. You must sneak past this guard. Watch his cycling 
movements from  the computer terminal to his notes. Sneak past him 
when he turns away from the window. Once past him, take the door out 
into the corridor.  The first door on the left is the room he is 
working in. Enter the room and kill him.

*TWO GUARDS IN THE CORRIDOR: The doors blocking the corridor which 
leads away from the Halon Room are guarded by to men on the other 
side. To pass them, you must roll to the left just as the door opens. 
To do this, just press the left arrow key, and Zak will somersault to 
the left, taking cover. From this position you can lean out to aim 
and fire by pressing the right arrow key.

*THE CONFERENCE ROOM: As you enter the conference room, you will find 
two men engaged in conversation about the Cyberia Project. If you try 
to enter the room you will be shot by the man who is standing. Wait 
until the conversation is finished and the standing man has left the 
room before you attempt anything. After he is gone, walk towards the 
crates to your left, to hide behind them. From this position you can 
lean out to fire upon the remaining guard.

THE RED CARD: To pass through the door into the cryo-lab you will 
need the red security pass key. The key is located in the infirmary, 
located on the lower level of the complex, locked in a patients room 
that has been quarantined. Along the right wall of the room you can 
see the red key card lying on a table. On the wall are vents which 
are currently closed. Access the computer terminal in the room to 
open these vents.  Once the vents are open, you must go back to 
retrieve the card. Leave this room and take the first door to the 
left through the storeroom to the door leading to the red corridor 
where the lift is located. After entering, immediately turn to the 
left, and walk to the steel grating blocks your path. Zak will push 
on the grating and it will fall, opening up a new passageway. At the 
end of this passage you will find the two vents you opened, and can 
reach through to get the card.

THE MUTAGEN SEQUENCE: On your way through the complex you discover 
that an experimental virus has infected certain areas, and although 
a vaccine has been created, it too has become infected. Five of the 
eight vaccines have already been used, leaving three that you can 
use. To inoculate yourself against the virus you must first go 
through the culture to destroy the infection. If you are playing 
with Arcade Difficulty level set to 'EASY', you must destroy at 
least 50% of the virus. On 'Medium' difficulty you must kill at 
least 72% and on the 'Hard' level you must kill at least 80%. If 
you are successful, you are informed that the culture is safe to 
use, otherwise the culture is still contaminated and  you must try 
another. After you are successful, note the number of the vaccine, 
(either 6, 7 or 8) and use that culture in inoculation chamber. Note 
that you have very little time in the chamber before the virus will 
kill you, so you must enter the vaccine number in the computer and 
move into the inoculation booth quickly.

THE CHARLIE SEQUENCE: After you have inoculated yourself against the
virus, you learn that some of the virus has mutated into larger 
creatures called Nanites and are infesting a portion of the complex. 
Since the infested areas contain the only passage to the Cyberia 
Weapon, you must clear this area before proceeding. The only method 
to kill the creatures is to fly a remote unit, named Charlie, into 
the infested area. You must kill EVERY Nanite before you can proceed 
pass this point. Note that the ENTER key on your keyboard fires a 
shock wave device, which will kill all the Nanites in the immediate 
area. An alarm in the bottom right of your screen will alert you if 
any Nanites get past you. If this alarm goes off, hit the enter key 
immediately to stop the Nanite from escaping.  The Charlie unit has a 
limited amount of energy available for its weapons systems. The shock 
wave device uses much more energy than your regular weapons systems, 
and so should only be used in emergencies.

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/Gulf/4377

               ( geocities.com/tokyo/Gulf)                   ( geocities.com/tokyo)