The greatest Dragonball Z Legends

                 for Sega Saturn and Sony Playstation

                              A faq by
                           Henry LaPierre

     I would like to start this by saying that this game really doesn't
need a faq, just an explanation of the instruction booklet. The reason
for this comment is because the game is very simplistic in its
playmechanics, but it is extremely fun! I think it's the best Dragonball
game Bandai has released so far(with the possible exception of the first
Super Nintendo Dragonball Z RPG, the one that covered up to the Freeza
fight). I'm writing a faq because I love talking about Dragonball :)


     The game is not in any way like any of the previous Dragonball
games. It is similiar in gamestyle to the Saturn game, Guardian heroes,
but not exactly(that's the closest game I could think of). It is a
semi-3D action/fighter, not really a strict, one on one fighting game.
My girlfriend describes it as a gang fight. Unlike Guardian heroes you
do not choose different paths to follow, you are on a set course. Your
course of battles takes you through most of the famous battles in the
Dragonball Z storyline. You control up to three different characters at
a time, battling up to three opponents. This makes for as many as six
characters on screen at a time(with more waiting in the wings as
replacements, to be called in whenever you want). It is very fast paced
and can get pretty hectic and confusing at times, until you get the hang
of what you're doing. The Saturn version (In my opinion) has tighter
control, but the Playstation version(except for an annoying bar that runs
the length of the left hand side on the character select screen and some
load screens. They didn't center all the screens properly) looks prettier
(it has transparent effects on some meteo attacks, and the graphics
aren't as blocky). The Saturn and Playstation have similiar, but not the
same meteo attacks for all of the characters.

    The object of the game is to battle your opponents until the power
meter on the bottom of the screen sways all the way in your favor.
The meter works in a tug of war fashion, starting even on both sides
(blue for player 1, red for player 2). If you hit your opponent it will
fill a bit in your favor, if your opponent then hits you, it will go back
down to the center and you'll be even again. No life is lost during these
battles. The only point in which a character loses life is if the power
meter fills all the way to either side, then that teams leader wil perform
a meteo attack on a member of the opposing team. Different characters
cause different amounts of damage to their victims. It can take up to
six meteo attacks to kill off a character(depending on who is doing the
meteo). Characters can be knocked through mountains, trees, and other
obstacles. The game takes place in the air or hovering inches above the
ground (causing dust swirls at the characters feet). The screen stays
focused on the character you are using(in one player mode). If a
character comes in contact with an obstacle while moving(not being
knocked across screen), they will go around it, trees however, can be
knocked down with fireballs.

                               Game modes

There are 2 play modes when you first play the game, another opens up
after you beat Story mode(any difficulty level). The modes are Story
and versus. The screen looks like this:

                          Mode Select

      Z campaign (story mode)
      VS battle (versus mode)
      SP battle (sort of ranking mode, opens after beating the Z campaign)

Z campaign: This is story mode, in it you will fight through 8 stages.

  1.Vegeta's arrival. You start out fighting Nappa, once he is defeated
    you battle Vegeta.
    Controlable characters:Gokou, Gohan(young), Piccolo and Kulilin
  2.The Ginew squad. You start out fighting Gurudo. When he is defeated,
    Recoom shows up. After him, you fight Baata and Jiisu at the same
    time. Lastly you battle Ginew himself.
    Controlable characters:Gokou, Gohan(young), Kulilin and Vegeta
  3.Battle on Nameck. In this stage you only have Freeza to deal with.
    Controlable characters:Gokou, Gohan(young), Piccolo, Kulilin and
  4.Assault of the artificial humans. You start this stage in a brawl
    with Artificial humans #19 and #20. After them you fight #'s 16,
    17, and 18.(if you change characters on this section of the level,
    Artificial human #16 will leave the battle).
    Controlable characters:SS Gokou, Gohan(young), Piccolo, Kulilin,
    SS Trunks and SS Vegeta
  5.Cell's challenge. You battle Cell and two Cell JRs all at once.
    Controlable characters:SS Gokou, SS Gohan(young), Piccolo, Kulilin,
    SS Trunks(Saiyajin battle armor) and SS Vegeta
  6.Majin Buu's creation. You start out fighting Dabura(devil), then
    after you hit him with 2 meteo attacks, Vegeta becomes possessed
    and joins Dabura's side as Majin Vegeta. After defeating Dabura,
    Vegeta returns to your team, but still as Majin Vegeta. You then
    advance to fight Majin Buu.
    Controlable characters:SS Gokou, SS Gohan(teenage), Goten,
    Young Trunks and SS Vegeta(1st part of the 1st battle, then again
    against Majin Buu)
  7.Battle of the Buus. You start fighting Majin Buu, then after him,
    Super Buu joins the fray.
    Controlable characters:SS3 Gokou, Goten, Young Trunks and
    Piccolo(for the first fight against Majin Buu. When Super Buu
    arrives, SS3 Gokou leaves and Gohan(teenage) replaces him, Goten
    and Young Trunks fuse creating Gotenks.
  8.Final battle of the Z fighters. Super Buu is your first opponent,
    after defeating him he turns into Kid Buu for the final battle.
    Controlable characters:Gogeta(in the first battle against Super
    Buu) After defeating Super Buu, Gogeta de-fuses and you control
    SS3 Gokou and SS Vegeta against Kid Buu. If SS3Gokou gets hit
    with a meteo attack he will lose his power and revert back to
    plain old Gokou. If you lose either of your two characters while
    fighting Kid Buu, then Majin Buu will join in on your team.

During this mode you can switch characters at any time(as long as you
have reserve characters left) with a press of the Z button(Saturn) or
the Select button(Playstation). This calls up the Story mode character
select screen. While this screen is up, the computer will take control
of all the fighters on your team. While making the decisions of who
you'll choose and who you'll relieve, different characters from the
series will appear on screen and make comments about the game and how
it's going.

When you beat the Z campaign(Story mode), a new mode, called SP battle
(ranking battle mode) will open up. As you encounter the characters in
the Story mode, they become playable characters in the Versus battle
mode. On the Saturn version, after completing the last battle, you are
able to choose any battle out of the eight to fight again, by going to
your save files and pushing left or right on the directional pad when
over a file.

Versus battle: This is versus mode. You can choose any characters that
       you've fought in the story mode. You can choose 1, 2, or 3
       characters for your team(hit the A button over the last block
       when done choosing your team on Saturn, the O button on
       Playstation). You cannot choose the same characters as your
       opponent. The screen does not scroll as it does in the
       Z Campaign(story) mode. There are 3 different versus modes to
       choose from,
         1 player verse 2 player: You verse a friend
       1 player verse computer: You verse a computer controlled team
       Computer verse computer: Choose characters and watch them fight

       When 2 players are fighting, the scroll character and opponent
       buttons for player 2 are reversed, to correspond with the
       character's facial portraits.

SP battle: This is ranking mode. In this mode you are given certain
         characters to use in battle with other characters controlled by
         the computer. You cannot choose your, or your opponents team.
         You also cannot substitue, or withdraw a character on your team
         from the battle(this can become a pain, as the computer controlled
         member of your team may not be doing what you want it to). There
         are a total of 30 battles to fight in this mode. On the Saturn
         version, after completing this mode, you are able to re-fight
         any of the battles by going into your save files for this mode
         and pushing left or right on the directional pad while over a

  The SP battles are:

    (note, you control the player one side characters)

    1.Piccolo VS Gohan(young)
    2.Nappa VS Vegeta
    3.Vegeta and Nappa VS Freeza
    4.Freeza and Ginew VS Vegeta, Gokou and Nappa
    5.Jiisu and Baata VS Ginew, Recoom and Gurudo
    6.Gokou and Jiisu VS Gohan(young), Vegeta and Kulilin
    7.SS Trunks VS Freeza
    8.Piccolo VS Super Saitajin Vegeta
    9.Artificial Humans #19 and #20 VS #17 and #18
   10.Artificial Human #16 VS Cell and a Cell JR.
   11.Artificial Human #17 VS #18 and Kulilin
   12.Piccolo VS SS Gohan(young)
   13.Artificial Humans #17 and #18 VS SS Trunks
   14.Goten VS SS Gohan(teenage)
   15.Young Trunks VS Majin Vegeta
   16.Piccolo VS SS Gohan(teen)
   17.SS Gokou and Majin Vegeta VS Goten, SS Gohan(teen), Young Trunks
   18.Dabura(devil) VS Kulilin and Piccolo
   19.Artificial Human #18 VS Gotan and Young Trunks
   20.Majin Buu VS Piccolo and Majin Vegeta
   21.Piccolo VS Gohan(teenage)
   22.Gohan(teenage) and Gotenks VS Gogeta
   23.SS Gohan(young) and Goten VS SS Trunks and Young Trunks
   24.Gokou VS Vegeta
   25.Gurudo and 2 Cell JRs VS SS Gohan(young) and Gotenks
   26.SS Gokou and Goten VS SS Vegeta and Young Trunks
   27.SS Gokou and SS Gohan(young) VS SS Vegeta and SS Trunks(battle armor)
   28.Cell, Freeza and Vegeta VS SS Gohan(young), SS Gokou and Piccolo
   29.Majin Buu, Super Buu and Kid Buu VS Gogeta, Gohan(teen) and Gotenks
   30.Gokou, SS Gokou and SS3 Gokou VS Vegeta, SS Vegeta and Majin Vegeta

   Super Saiyajin Trunks(in Saiyajin battle armor) appears in battle 27,
   and the Story mode, he is not a selectable character, and does not
   become selectable after finishing either mode. Perhaps there are
   others that may be accessable with a code? A lot of other characters
   appear while the character select screen is up in Z campaign mode,
   so you never know ;) Why do all the Dragonball games(except the RPGs)
   exclude Yamucha? :( I think the battle against Nappa should have
   included Yamucha, Tenshinhan and Chao-Z.


   These are the options you are given:

         Sound select.....Stereo/Monoaural
         Controller configure...

            For Saturn (A=Accept, B=Cancel)

            Towards opponent
            Away from opponent
            Power up
            Bring up character select screen (story mode only)
            Scroll through player characters
            Scroll through opposing team (target)

            For Playstation (O=accept, X=Cancel)

            Towards opponent
            Away from opponent
            Power up
            Scroll through player characters (top to bottom)
            Scroll through player characters (bottom to top)
            Scroll through opposing team (target) (top to bottom)
            Scroll through opposing team (target) (bottom to top)
            Bring up character select screen (story mode only)

       To change a setting on the controller, go to the setting you
       would like to move and press the A(Saturn),O(Playstation) button,
       now scroll to the setting you would like assigned to that button
       (represented by a yellow line) and press A(Saturn), O(Playstation)
       again, the 2 choices will swap places.

     The Playstation has one extra option than the Saturn, it is
     located under the Controller configure on the Options Menu

         Memory.........Save/Load (Saturn version loads automatically)


  Powering up:

  This is very important as every attack you perform will consume some
  power from your characters energy meter. This is how you power up.
  Hold the power up button, your character will glow and become
  surrounded by energy, the longer you hold it, the more your energy
  meter fills. You are very vulnerable while doing this so be careful.


  The controls in this game are very simple. To advance towards your
  opponent, simply hold up on the directional pad, to retreat, hold
  down. If you press the power up button while flying towards or
  away from your opponent, your character will fly faster, leaving a
  trail of energy. This burns up your energy level very fast, so use it
  sparingly. To revert back to normal speed, press the power up button
  again. While the flying fast energy boost is being used you can
  double tap left or right on the control pad to fly in a circular
  pattern from your opponent, thereby changing the angle of attack
  (and rotating the screen). You can also fly at angles this way by
  double tapping diagonally on your control pad. To get a quick burst
  of speed in a certain direction, double tap and hold the control pad
  that way and press the power up button, your character will get a
  short burst of speed. Other than this, you will only move towards or
  away from your opponent.


  Holding the block button will block everything, no power at all is
  gained on the power meter for the opposing team if you block moves.
  The games biggest problem(in my opinion) lies in the blocking system
  that the game uses. Yes everything can be blocked, but you can only
  block attacks by your targeted opponent, which is just fine in a
  one on one fight. But when you have more than one character on each
  team, the computer will gang up on(or your opponent can send his whole
  squad after) one of your characters. You cannot block anything an
  opponent who is not your primary taget does. This gets extremely
  frustrating when your after one character, but he's always near
  another member of his team, now you can't advance on them because
  the one that your not targeting will hit you easily. You are then
  forced to use energy flying away quickly. This flaw also comes into
  play when attacking, you will only hit your targeted opponent, even
  fireballs that are in a direct line with a non-targeted opponent
  will not hit(but they can hit your characters in the back :).

  Fireballs(energy attacks):

  Press the fireball button to shoot an energy burst. Hold the button
  for a bit and let go, when you do, your character will launch a
  barrage of energy bursts very fast. The longer you hold the button,
  the more the character will fire(and the more energy it will consume)
  As soon as the button is pressed, the character locks his aim at the
  spot that his targeted opponent is in. When the button is let go, the
  energy bursts will travel towards that spot, if the opponent has moved
  towards you they will still hit, as he is still in their path. If
  your opponent has changed his angle of attack, the bursts will pass
  by him and you'll be stuck firing for the length of time you held the
  button, leaving you wide open to an attack. Fireballs will only
  slightly sway the power meter in your favor, and thats with an awful
  lot of them. Use them primarily for slowing down your opponent.

  Character select button:

  This is available in Z Campaign mode only. It brings up the character
  select screen, where you can substitute or call out a player from
  your team. The computer takes control of all fighters on your team
  when this screen is up. To select a new character to join the battle
  you must have less than 3 characters in use at the time. If you have
  3 in use, Highlight the character you wish to have leave the battle
  and press A (Saturn), O(Playstation). The word "Chain" under the
  chosen character will roll to read "Over." Then select the character
  you wish to join the battle(must have the word "Over" under him) by
  highlighting his portrait and pressing the A(Saturn), O(Playstation)
  button again, the word "Open" will roll to "Chain" and he will join
  the battle under your control. To get back to the battle press the
  Character select button again.

  Scroll player characters button:

  This button, when pressed scrolls through the characters on your team,
  allowing you to directly control different characters at different
  times. The larger portrait at the top is the character currently
  under your control. The Saturn has one button for this and it scrolls
  from top to bottom through the characters. The Playstation has two
  buttons for it, one scrolls top to bottom, and the other scrolls
  bottom to top.

  Scroll through opposing team(targeting) button:

  This button, when pressed scrolls through the characters on the
  opposing team(represented by large pictures on the top right hand
  side of the screen in one player modes, or small portraits at the
  end of your characters life and energy bars in two player modes).
  Whichever character you stop on will be the only character that your
  character will/can attack while under your control. It is also the
  only character that you can block the attacks of. As with the player
  character button, the Saturn has one button for this, it scrolls from
  top to bottom through your opponents. The Playstation has two, one
  scrolls top to bottom, the other, bottom to top.

  Attack button:

  The attack button has a few different functions, depending on the
  way the directional pad is pressed before hitting this button.

      Just the button(no motion)= a flurry of punches and kicks, this
           will deflect fireballs(starting move for 2nd and 3rd grab
           and attacks, also regular grab and attack on Playstation)
      Forward, Forward+Attack= grab and attack(combo starter)(on the
           Playstation, this must be done during normal flurry of hits
      Forward+Attack(during any grab and attack)= knock opponent across
           the screen
      Back+Attack(during any grab and attack)= knock the opponent the
           opposite way across the screen
      Up+Attack= hit that knocks opponent into the air
      Down+Attack= hit that knocks opponent downward onto the ground
      Back, Forward+Attack= knocks opponent left or right across screen
      Half circle from right to left+Attack(during normal flurry of
           hits attack)= grab and attack pushing your opponent upwards
           with hits(the initial flurry of hits has to make contact)
           It does not matter which side of your opponent you are on.
      Half circle from left to right+Attack(during normal flurry of
           hits attack)= grab and attack pushing your opponent
           downward with hits(the initial flurry of hits has to make
           contact) It does not matter which side of your opponent
           you are on.

   All the attacks can be strung after the grab and attack(except the
   last 3) to create combos. The grab and attack can be hooked
   onto the other moves as well, making for very long combos(I've done
   a 23 hit with SS Trunks). To do this just keep the directional pad
   held(on the Playstation you must Tap and hold) in the direction of
   your knock away move. Your character will then chase the knocked
   opponent, stopping where they land(or as soon as you let go of the
   direction held). Then just follow up with another move, there you
   have it, instant combo. Be warned on the higher levels characters
   controlled by the computer are very good at breaking combos.


   You can escape your opponents attacks by doing the following as soon
   you see your opponent start his move(time it so that you perform
   your escape when you see your opponents move pause, before they
   start swinging towards you. You have a better chance for success
   if you do the escape for the same move your opponent is doing to you
   (Playstation this is necessary), but the Up or Down ones seem to work
   on all the knockback attacks(Saturn only). (note: Where it says to
   "hold" the Block button, on the Playstation version you must "Tap"
   the block button and the direction at the same time)

   Hold Block and press Up=best escape from Up+Attack(attack that would
                           knock you into air)
   Hold Block and press Down=best escape from Down+Attack(Attack that
                           knocks you downward)
   Hold Block and press Forward=best escape from Back, Forward+Attack
                           (across screen attack)

   To escape from the grab and attack portion of a combo, double tap
   the control pad any direction except straight up or down while
   Holding the power up button.


  After completing a battle in either Z Campaign(Story) or SP Battle
  (ranking) you are given standings, in Z Campaign you are given a
  rank, the lower the number the better. In SP battle you are judged
  in these catagories:

       Time to complete the current battle
       Total time in battle so far
       Number of characters killed in the current battle(your team)
       Total number of characters killed so far(your team)

    From this standings screen, press a button to get to the Save
    screen. On this screen you can choose from the following:

           Continue but do not save
           File 1
           File 2
           File 3

    Press the accept button when you have highlighted your choice. It
    will now ask you if you want to do what you selected. Yes is the
    first choice, no is the second.


  There are 35 characters to choose from in versus mode. Here is the
  order that the characters appear in versus mode, scrolling up from
  the large X(select this for no character) on Saturn, and scrolling
  down from the X on Playstation

   Saturn                          Playstation

   Gokou                           Gokou
   Super Saiyajin Gokou            Gohan(young)
   Super Saiyajin 3rd Gokou        Piccolo
   Gohan(young)                    Kulilin
   Super Saiyajin Gohan(young)     Vegeta
   Super Saiyajin Gohan(teenage)   Nappa
   Gohan(teenage)                  Gurudo
   Goten                           Recoom
   Piccolo                         Jiisu
   Kulilin                         Baata
   Young Trunks                    Ginew
   Super Saiyajin Trunks           Super Saiyajin Gokou
   Gotenks                         Freeza
   Vegeta                          Super Saiyajin Trunks
   Super Saiyajin Vegeta           Super Saiyajin Vegeta
   Majin Vegeta                    Artificial Human #19
   Nappa                           Artificial Human #20 (DR.Gero)
   Ginew                           Artificial Human #17
   Jiisu                           Artificial Human #18
   Baata                           Artificial Human #16
   Recoom                          Super Saiyajin Gohan(young)
   Gurudo                          Cell
   Freeza                          Cell Jr
   Artificial Human #16            Super Saiyajin Gohan(teenage)
   Artificial Human #17            Goten
   Artificial Human #18            Young Trunks
   Artificial Human #19            Majin Vegeta
   Artificial Human #20 (Dr.Gero)  Dabura (Devil)
   Cell                            Majin Buu
   Cell Jr                         Super Saiyajin 3rd Gokou
   Dabura (Devil)                  Gohan(teenage)
   Majin Buu                       Gotenks
   Super Buu                       Super Buu
   Kid Buu                         Gogeta
   Gogeta                          Kid Buu

Characters Meteo attacks

  Here is a description of what the characters do for meteo attacks
  when the power meter is filled in your favor.
  (S) = Saturn (P) = Playstation

        (S)(P)1.gathers earths ki to create a giant fireball to throw
        at opponent
        (S)(P)2.fires a large kamehameha at opponent
    Super Saiyajin Gokou
        (S)(P)1.fires a kamehameha then warps behind opponent and fires
        (S)(P)2.fires a large kamehameha at opponent
    Super Saiyajin to the 3rd power Gokou
        (S)(P)1.flies at opponent grabbing their legs, spins them rapidly
        and throws them
        (S)(P)2.he fires an immense kamehameha at opponent
        (S)(P)1.fires a masenkou at opponent
    Super Saiyajin Gohan(young)
        (P)(S)1.fires large kamehameha at opponent
    Super Saiyajin Gohan(teenage)
        (P)(S)1.flares with energy, then fires a kamehameha at
        (S)(P)1.does a barrage of very hard hitting punches and
        (S)(P)1.flares with energy in the sky, then dive bombs
        (S)(P)1.fires a masenkousenpa at opponent
        (S)2.fills the sky with fireballs, they hover then explode on
        (P)3.fires a huge fireball at opponent
        (S)1.creates 2 energy blades and throws them at opponent
        (P)2.throws large energy beam that curves upwards, breaking
        into a hailstorm of fireballs
    Young Trunks
        (P)(S)1.shoots a large energy blast at opponent
    Super Saiyajin Trunks
        (S)(P)1.gathers a lot of energy, then shoots a giant blast
        at opponent in the air
        (P)2.shoots enegy blast that envelopes opponent before
        (S)3.runs at opponent with sword drawn, slashes them
        (S)(P)1.he does the super ghost kamikaze attack
        (S)(P)2.he captures the opponent in the energy donut,
        then explodes it
        (S)1.fires a large fireball upwards at opponent
        (P)2.does big bang attack
        (P)3.he does the final flash
    Super Saiyajin Vegeta
        (P)1.throws a big bang attack at opponent
        (P)(S)2.does the final flash
        (S)3.fires a large fireball upwards at opponent
    Majin Vegeta
        (P)1.he does the big bang attack
        (P)(S)2.he does the final flash
        (S)3.fires a large fireball upwards at opponent
        (S)1.plants a saiyaman in the ground, it comes out and explodes
        upon grabbing opponent
        (P)2.causes ground to explode under opponent
        (S)(P)1.performs body exchange on opponent and beats up their
        (S)(P)2.fires a giant fireball at opponent
        (S)(P)1.throws a crusher ball at opponent
        (S)(P)1.runs in very fast circles around opponent firing energy
        (S)1.does the Recoom eraser gun attack
        (P)2.charges at opponent, grabbing them and taking them
        high into the air, then slamming them on the ground
        (S)(P)1.grabs opponent in a psychic hold, then throws a large
        peice of ground at them
        (S)(P)1.fires multiple energy waves at opponent
        (S)2.fires a barrage of finger lasers at opponent
        (P)3.kicks opponent away, then fires a homing death ball
    Artificial Human #16
        (P)1.fires energy blast from arm after removing his hand
        (P)(S)2.fires clentched fist at opponent
        (S)3.fires energy blast into the ground, then the ground
        under opponent explodes
    Artificial Human #17
        (S)(P)1.glows with energy then shoots fireballs in all
    Artificial Human #18
        (S)(P)1.fires multiple energy blasts at opponent
    Artificial Human #19
        (S)(P)1.jumps on opponent and drains their energy, then
        stands over them and fires energy blasts at them
    Artificial Human #20 (Doctor Gero)
        (P)(S)1.throws huge energy wave at opponent
        (P)(S)2.grabs opponent in the air, drains their energy, then
        slams them to the ground
        (S)(P)1.creates huge energy ball around himself, knocking
        opponent back
        (S)(P)2.fires a kamehameha at opponent
    Cell Jr
        (S)1.two cell Jrs surround opponent, both fire giant energy
        blast at opponent in center
        (P)(S)2.fires an energy blast at opponent
    Dabura (Devil)
        (P)1.breathes fire on the opponent
        (S)2.throws an energy ball at opponent
    Majin Buu
        (P)(S)1.creates a huge blast around himself, knocking the
        opponent back
        (P)(S)2.throws a huge fireball at opponent, knocking them back
    Super Buu
        (S)(P)1.raises one hand and releases a fountain like spray of
        energy blasts
        (S)(P)2.Buu screams, creating a blast that knocks opponent down
    Kid Buu
        (S)(P)1.sinks one foot into the ground, it comes up under
        opponent and kicks them 3 times, then he fireballs them
        (S)(P)2.screams then launches a giant fireball
        (S)(P)1.fires a barrage of energy bolts then peirces opponent
        with a giant bolt that draws them to him and then explodes
        (S)2.does a flying tackle to opponent, then fires a barrage of
        energy bolts at them


 If you hold down button X, Y, or Z on the menu and file screens on the
 Saturn version, the menus will disappear and you will be able to view
 the pictures underneath unobstructed.

 The picture in the frame next to the Z Campaign(Story mode) is the
 stage that save file 1 is on.

 The Saturn version uses 5 units of internal memory, The Playstation
 version uses 1 memory block. This includes using all 3 files in both
 Z campaign mode and SP Battle mode.

 The games ending has an instrumental version of "We gotta power"
 playing, while portraits of Gokou, Gohan, Kulilin, Piccolo,
 Gotenks, Mr. Satan, a collage of Buu's, Trunks, Vegeta, Gogeta
 scroll by. Lastly a portrait of Gokou stops in the center of the screen
 over the words "The End."

 The endings are the same in both versions, except the last portrait
 of Gokou that stops in the center over the words "the end" is the
 picture from the system you're playing on's CD and instruction
 booklet cover. Playstation has Gokou saluting(as if about to warp),
 Saturn has him saluting also, but his other hand is extended, as if
 to throw a fireball.

 The instructions booklet for both versions are identical except for
 the picture of Gokou on the cover, the screen shots, and the buttons.
 All the text is the same.

 I feel the Saturn version is much easier to control, the moves are
 all supposed to be done the same way on both versions, but the
 Playstation doesn't always seem to cooperate :)

 If a character is attacking and hitting an opponent, his portrait
 will be open mouthed, as if he's yelling.

 If a character is being hit, his portrait will wince, as if in pain.

 After a meteo attack the characters on the Saturn version stay at
 or lose a bit of their energy level. Whereas on the Playstation version
 everyone's energy meter is filled after a meteo.

 Super Saiyajin Vegeta is the coolest character ever created ;)
 Now if only he'd go Level 3, so he could get rid of that awful
 haircut they gave him in GT :)

This faq was written by Henry LaPierre
My E-mail address is

I'd like to thank Steve(hey, how'd I get in this faq) Feldman
for proofreading this to make sure it made sense.
Joe at Tronix for putting up with my numerous E-mails asking if
the game was in yet, or if he heard anything on it :)
And my Ferret Pup, for being so wacky ;)

This faq may be available at the Tronix Website at  or through Andy Eddy's FTP site at   pub/vi/vidgames/faqs

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it,
and remember, no matter how the English Dragonball pronounces it...

      it's KameHameHa..........not KaMayaMaya :)



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